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Ok something ive never been strong at is value betting the river. I usually do over bet in that situation. So i was woundering can anyone give me advice on the all important value bet.
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That's going to come down to your people reading skills and your hand reading skills.
Hand reading will give you how strong their hand is, obviously the stronger their hand is the more they'll call - if it's a very strong hand then they're likely to call even if they think you're beating them because people just hate to be bluffed off very strong hands.
The people reading is slightly more complex.
If they're a bad player they'll call more chips
If they think you're a bad player they'll call more chips.
If you've shown some bluffs, they might call more chips - but this depends on your read of them still, some players will just 'let' you get away with bluffs and stick with only calling strong bets with strong hands.
There are probably a few more factors, but they're the ones I can think off of the top of my head.
What you do early on in the session is to put some really big bets in on the river and show bluffs.Also when you have the goods only put in tiny river bets and again show you have the goods. If your opponents pay any attention to this then you have set it up perfectly twofold. Firstly from then on you can bluff with much smaller bets because they will be wary of calling and when you wish to value bet a good hand you can bet much higher because the big bets will be called down lighter.
As i said this only works with opponents who pay attention.But i think setting up a false table image is never a bad thing
ill use one live hand from the other week as example.
blinds 25/50.
I have AA in big blind (stack: 3100)
4 limpers round to button who min raises.
SB folds
I raise 6x min raise bet (based on amount of opponents already limped)
UTG calls
everyone else folds
Flop comes : Q82
I bet 500
UTG calls
Turn: K
I bet 1000 (half my remaining stack)
UTG calls.
River: A
I shove the rest in.
UTG calls.
I know in this situation i get a call but my opponent was pot commited i think, However in others when i have a bigger stack my river bet is usually my strongest as a result i rarley get paid.