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End of an era.

edited July 2010 in The Shed
In Response to End of an era.:
 After 15 years of being separated my wife as sent me a text to tell me she is filing for divorce. Even though I know its something that should have happened many years before I couldnt help but shed a tear.  I know it doesnt really make any sense but suddenly I feel the loneliness of being alone. :(
Posted by Donut64

She must be marrying another man. 


  • edited July 2010
     After 15 years of being separated my wife as sent me a text to tell me she is filing for divorce. Even though I know its something that should have happend many years before I couldnt help but shed a tear.
     I know it doesnt really make any sense but suddenly I feel the lonliness of being alone. :(
  • edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: End of an era.:
    In Response to End of an era. : She must be marrying another man. 
    Posted by loonytoons
     Thats no problem. I wish her every happiness in anything she does in her life! 
  • edited July 2010
    Did you have kids?, maybe she waited til they were older? anyways, life's too short to be sad, we're a long time dead so chin up and get on and enjoy your life! PS, my above post wasn't meant to be flippant, i just thought that's why she needed a divorce! but upon reflection it did come across badly.
  • edited July 2010
     I think you have it bang on our daughter is 16 next month! No offence taken.
  • edited July 2010

    F ME sent you a text, man your were married to one hard faced cow.
    surpsied she didnt just change her facebook status to let you know

  • edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: End of an era.:
    F ME sent you a text, man your were married to one hard faced cow. surpsied she didnt just change her facebook status to let you know
    Posted by BADBOY985
     At least she warned me! It would of been worse if I had found out when the papers came through the letter box.
  • edited July 2010
    In Response to End of an era.:
     After 15 years of being separated my wife as sent me a text to tell me she is filing for divorce. Even though I know its something that should have happend many years before I couldnt help but shed a tear.  I know it doesnt really make any sense but suddenly I feel the lonliness of being alone. :(
    Posted by Donut64
    Sorry to see you're feeling a bit low m8, dont worry ive seen your mug on here, you aint that ugly, im sure you will pull if you haven't already and don't forget you've got loads of mates on here.
    Just a thought, but you could always have my Mrs for the price of a small DYM, problem is me and the kids have got used to her now and shes the only one who knows where everything is, so come back to me in a couple of mths if your interested.
    Keep your pecka up !
      All the best
  • edited July 2010
    15 years and she still kept your number. That has to mean something.
  • edited July 2010

    Chin up fella......time to move on and wish her well and start the next chapter of YOUR life.....and as they always say,

    Plenty more sticky buns in the cake shop!!!   :)))
  • edited July 2010
    Awww Im so sorry Donut, I'm just glad you got pre-warned (dont think much of the way she did it though!) but remember if you hadn't had met you would not had your beautful daughter, hugs to you x
  • edited July 2010

    Chin up Donut.

    As a fellow Leap Year child, you have youth on your side!! You must be only 10ish? Pleanty to look forward to!!

  • edited July 2010
     Thank you all!
     Their is no real reason for me to be misrerable but is one of the few things Im good at. I suffer from depression most of the time so at least this gives me one more reason (even though its a pretty poor excuse) to be who I am.   I think the text was probably a good way of letting me know as I get over emotional and I think I would have made a fool of myself and I think she is well aware of that.
     As far as the "sticky buns" go I gave them up 5 years ago when my last relationship failed.
  • edited July 2010
  • edited July 2010

    You're a sound bloke Donut mate....its easy for us to tell you to be positive, but please be positive mate. Your daughter will continue to be a credit to yourself if you are anything to go by.

    The text thing may have been done by your missus to make it easier than telling you face-to-face, it must be hard for her too....even after 15 years apart.

    Your friends on here are always behind you, and I hope you can pull through mate. I have been there myself, but fortunately it all worked out in the end.

    Regards Mate.........

  • edited July 2010

    Just to reiterate what everyone has said hunni you are a sound guy and remember, everything happens for a reason and we only usually realise it was all for the best when we look back at it at a later stage in our life..

    Endings no matter how long ago they are, are difficult for any of us because as you say its the end of an era. However, it is also the beginning of a new chapter.
    Marriage, well I have not yet been there but i Know a few who have and some who have divorced too. Divorce from what I know  of it brings its joys, regrets, difficulties and possibilities all of which build us as individuals.

    I am sure that in time, when your time comes, you will look back on this with a knowlege and an insight that shows you that life was meant to go that way and a realisation that life can be better than you had ever anticipated.
    Suzi xxx
  • edited July 2010
    i may not know you personally m8. but i have been in a similar situation. loneliness/ depression are normal and will continue for some time. you still have friendly contact with your ex and daughter, which will help/hinder in equal measures. as others have said, this site and the forum members are mainly great people and have/will help in many ways. their friendliness has certainly helped me!!

    keep it going mate and remember you will always have friends here!!
    best wishes. Laurie
  • edited July 2010
    you are not lonely, not only do you have your daughter, i dare i say, i hope you feel we are also part of your family, and look at it as another chapter of life
  • edited July 2010
    Again thank you. When I put this post up I never thought their would be so many replies. Dont know what else to put, but thanks again.
  • edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: End of an era.:
    Again thank you. When I put this post up I never thought their would be so many replies. Dont know what else to put, but thanks again.
    Posted by Donut64
    no probs mate, anytime!
  • edited July 2010
     Just spoke to my daughter her mum got her to send the text but never told her before hand what was going to be in it. Also she has not disgussed why she has decided to do it now.
     I must admit at the moment I seem to have got by head around it a little bit better. As i already new she was never coming back and I have no intentions ever getting married ever again I dont suppose it matters either way! :)
  • edited July 2010
    Good luck Mate,
    Stay Strong for you & your Daughter
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