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MTT first level - entering the pot from the SB against limpers
Personally as it's first level just call, your getting like 7-1 then if you flop two pair or trips great and maybe get some draw to go with.
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In a low buy-in Bounty Hunter tournament we are playing the very first hand, the stacks are 100BB deep. On the SB I pick up two junk cards. Two limpers enter the pot, I already have notes on the BB which say he is a passive calling station.
In situations like this should I be completing the blind to see a very cheap flop, or should I be folding?
you just have to make sure that you dont get too commited though after, eg. if 9 hits dont start playing like you have the nuts.
You need to have as many players covered as possible, if ou spend the 20 here, then get aa v kk against a guy next hand, and he has you overed by 20, you get his chips but miss out on the bounty.
I hate bleeding chips early in these, try and stay as close to 2000 as possible until you win a decent pot, then be speculative.
I'd certainly play any hand that plays well multi-way such as (gapped) connectors but 95 might just be too speculative. Hitting trips is unlikely to get you paid in a limped pot (or shouldn't do anyway) and may cost you dearly if someone has a boat. There aren't many other hands that you can hit (even two pairs) that look great.
I don't think it matters too much what you do here, it's not exactly a tournament defining moment. However, I think the following points are relevant here.
First of all, many people will say 7 to 1 is enough to play any two cards and by and large this is correct.
Second, the bounty hunters are notorious for being extremely loose and the general advice is to play the opposite of everyone else, this too is generally sound. How are you going to feel if theh flop comes 5-5-x and someone turns over 10-5 to stack you? (This is the extreme example but there are lots of ways you can het stacked here, 6-7-8 for example). The truth is the only flop you truly feel confident with is 9-9-5 (1000/1+ I believe).
Third, if there is a decent player at the table who also happens to be awake at the time, being seen to fold when hetting odds of 7/1 could prove invaluable for you later on when you necessarily loosen up. (Notes like 'tight' are often added on the basis of single actions - something I can't personally prove but feel confident about).
FWIW, for me, points 2 and 3 above outweigh point 1 with this junk so I fold. (I cannot, however, refuse these odds with any semi suited connectors, Ax etc etc).