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All in raise on turn - call or fold?
I know this villain very well m8, and he has you beat alot more often than not here.
I think it's one of those spots where the best you can hope for is AK for a split, but realistically, he has 44/55 most of the time, and ace ten suited the rest (I don't think he calls that much pre with ace ten, can pretty much rule it out)
AK/44/55 are the hands he has here imo - so obviously calling to split aint an option. I fold.
£5.50 into £13, means you have to be good once every 3.5 times I believe....
18.5/5,5 = 3.7ish?.....
EDIT- Have I done that wrong by adding the call money to the potsize before working it out?
If so, It would be 13.5/5.5 = even more reason to fold?....
But I dont think he ever shoves here with worse than AK.
So the odds don't really matter?
Maybe Im wrong....any other villian btw im snap calling
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I've been on the table for about an hour up until this point & villain has also been there the whole time. As planned I have been playing a really TAG game only getting involved with strong starting hands in position. Pretty much every hand I'd raised PF with previous to this had been folded by everyone. The only exception to this was the hand before this one where I'd raised OTB with AJ & got 2 callers. I bet out on a queen high flop & took that one down. So this hand is straight afterwards & it's the first time I've played 2 hands in succession (raising PF both times).
Villain liked to play a fair few hands but probably only an average amount, particularly for this level. Most hands that they'd won didn't get to showdown but of the few that did get that far they had at least top pair.
So my question here is simple, call or fold? Any comments about my bet sizing PF/flop are also welcome as it's something I struggle with a bit.
Well when I first started on sky I was nl20.....I only stook 20 quid on to play the open, put the leftover £6 on a footy bet, which gave me £46, so i decided to 2 table nl20 and spin it up (I was on nl50$$ on WHill) - anyway sky went well and I built a seperate roll on here before deciding to come here full time and withdraw the lot from WH.
So in my first 2/3 months here I played alot with him. maybe I have moved up a couple of levels and he's moved down.
Your note about him showing down nothing less than top pair is spot on, he aint putting his stack in with less than AK here imo.
You can 99.99* rule out 23 with this villain, maybe only a misclick would lead to him calling pre flop.
He maybe could float the flop with TT - ut still you're looking for hands you can beat, so that there is a decision here.....
All the talk is of hands that crush you.
The one hand he cud have that u beat is AQ and thats super unlikely IMO.
I want the answer