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I will issue a challenge,think of it as the poor mans DURRRRRRRR challenge,as i would like to spark some interest.......
I will play 100 Heads UP Sit and Goes at 1 pound (NLHE or PLO)against someone,and the person who wins the majority will win 100 pounds from the loser......
anyone who wants to play leave a note here....
and yes ok 100k challenge was a little misleading...:)
but hey its not like SKY news dont do a little eh...
0 ·
Talk the talk and walk the walk boys.......
It's a time thing ....... while I'm playing 100 HU's with you I won't be doing much else. I'm sure someone will take you up on it at £1 but my offer stands as above.
Right no takers then today.....
SKY if somehow u could sort out the taking of the prop bet it would be appreciated....
am off to bed...will check again tomorrow...
You're a decent player DJ, I know that if others don't. You also know me, but you don't know who I am ...... if you get my meaning. You have good stats and write a half decent blog most of the time. 100 $1 HU's just isn't my scene but I'm sure you will get one of the lower stake players to take you on for a £ a time. GL in your quest.
And stop being so touchy
love u2 x:)
that make u happy...
A few posts have been removed from this thread.
This is an adult site and all members/customers/ posters have to be over 18 to contribute. Please let's remember that fact and if you have a slight disagreement with someone, hold your breath, count to 10, find a new thread etc etc
Sometimes replying/retaliating will only antagonise things further and the best course of action is definitely, to ignore.
Thanks for being understanding on this one.
Sky Mod
just wanted to challenge anyone to 100 sng s for 100 quid...thought it was quite a reasonable request....must have missed the contraversy........maybe mr sky could set it up 4 me......i would like to play 100 turbo sngs,nlhe or plo....against any takers .......for a prop bet....i figure that 100 games will eliminate any luck or variance,and at only 1 pound a game will be easy to afford for all...of course all money won in games ,will be a bonus,and sky gets the rake.....
is a challenge from me to any sky player...
i am up for any solution to the holding of money......
it would be quite nice if they could (sky) hold the 100 quid stake whilst we play our games...
i am easy on how we play the games,but i would like to play as quick as possible...
i will leave it up to you how many we play at a time and whether its omaha or NLHE...
i am not up for more thn 4 at a time as i cant see them on the screen....(and mini view i dont get on with..)
perhaps we could ask someone at sky to hold the cash and oversee our little tournement...
OI who keeps deleting the posts?
am i not allowed..
Bit of censorship goin on for some reason..
i thought we are all adults over 18.....
and could be allowed to do what we wanted,but it seems not.....
If you check here it shows the Forum posting rules
We want you to enjoy your Sky Poker community and use it as a place for open, friendly conversation. We also hope that every player sees this as a place to learn about poker, perhaps teach some others too and generally have a great, fun Sky Poker experience. To help make this possible we would ask that everyone follows the following simple rules.
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Any user that repeatedly breaks these rules may be permanently excluded from participating within the community.
and which one of these rules have they broken asking for a game of HU then?
Sky mod.
i lold
I wish m8, I wish.
This would be a good rail