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Playing heads up as a newbie1
Hi Tikay.
I hate heads up, so neeed your advice.
Do I call or raise every hand or is it okay to fold hands you do not like.
Is there a disadvantage if you fold too many hands?
Do you shove on all playable hands?
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Hi Wynne,
By far the best advice I can think of here is to read Harrington's chapter on heads up play (It's in his 2nd book). Honestly, it's only a few pages, it's an enjoyable read, and it will probably improve your results by far, it did mine anyway.
Aggression, aggression, aggression.
Raise on the SB EVERY time.
CB EVERY time.
Unless it's a ridiculously loose player, then just wait for the hand, it will come.
Never go all-in unless you're very strong or blinds are huge.
Oh yeah, and be lucky. That's quite important too.
I love heads-up.
Hi wynne Im starting a weekend of only heads up sit n gos and mtts today.
Its something Ive wanted to have a serious go at for months now, and as I cant trust myself on cash tables atm, I decided it might be a good way of "taking a break" from the usual grind.
If you just search "heads up strategy" on google you'll get loads of stuff back.