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august freerolls....... what fun!!!!!

edited August 2010 in The Shed
Well hello again guys and gals....
been a while since i posted on here, Ive kinda been busy with Uni, exams etc etc...but all thats done now, ( well till October anyways) So i am back to tickle the surface on SKY Poker...and see what I can win or mostly
Anyway I seen  the add for August freerolls, well seems a good idea to me, so i entered as many as i could, ( well it is summer break from uni so i have many hours spare through the day at the moment :))
So I clicked register, I played and lost, played again and yep, you guessed LOST, BUT then Last night at 11pm I remembered I had a game that I was registered in..... should i take the chance? OR just go to sleep?
After all, I NEVER WIN any decent cash on here, im lucky if i win a 35pence game and come 3rd..... lol

So, in i went, started an hour late and thought " I will be out in 10 mins or so"

OMG This little smiler was smilling up till just after 1am... I managed to keep my chips and a few other folks too....
much to the dislike to a certain player of course.... she will go unanmed for the purpose of this thread LOL ( but I am sure she was just having a bad day)Anyways I played the best I could, screaming to my hubby for advice when I was a bit stuck on a choice of fold or call...... or even call or check... Thos who know me know I STILL dont knowthe difference between the two !!! HAHAHAHAH

so, to make this into a post and not a book i will cut short.....
I ended up coming 3rd yes   there IS ONLY ONE number there!!!! T H I R D   BUT It SHOULD of been 2nd but i went out with a bad beat ( apparently???LOL)

So, anyone who is thinking that these freerolls aint anygood for newbie players, or for those with not much of a clue about poker, then think again...

After all I ONLY play on SP as it has that CLVER little thingy that tells me what my best hand is.... OTHERWISE I WOULD BE OUT IN 1st HAND!!hahahahah

Smiler is smilling again and also back to the threads for a little while too.....well I do have my dissertation to get started afterall.... and as much as I would like to, I cant do it while playing poker on here.....Im sure my hubby would see the graphs appear on screen as he walked into desk area and recognise them.....Who even uses the " Boss coming...look busy " button???  ahahahahah

OK MY rant of over for now......just wanted to let ya'll know that dippy smiler with her fav hand of Q 2 actually managed to come somewhere for once HOOOOOOOORAYYYYYY



  • edited August 2010
    OOOOOOPS seems I done an essay again

  • edited August 2010
  • edited August 2010
    i'm enjoying them.

    yeah it takes 2 hours to win 35p. but if you think about it. It's two hours where I'm not losing on the cash tables.

    And it is always good to be the chip leader with 900,000. but still have less than 10 big blinds..
  • edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: august freerolls....... what fun!!!!!:
    i'm enjoying them. yeah it takes 2 hours to win 35p. but if you think about it. It's two hours where I'm not losing on the cash tables. And it is always good to be the chip leader with 900,000. but still have less than 10 big blinds..
    Posted by Mr_Miyagi[/QUOTE

    Chip leader......well I NEVER knew what that felt like till last night LOL Despite doing my best at ALL games ive been in, I never do much good PMSL....
    My hubby is left starving till i complete the 2 hr games and never get close to the 35p win PMSL....

    Awe well.... at least I KNOW now how it feels to go into a pot that has 270,000 in the middle.... WOW
    OK OK to ALL who mock, i know it was JUST freeroll chips, but still.... I never got close before, and I am fair chuffed with mesel'... cheers for posting and LONG LIVE the Freerolls......

    heheheheh  went from a balance of 00.00 to 24 quid , and I didnt even have to do any add ons or rebuys, so 100& profit....     eeeh eck, how daft  eh, so chuffed about a daft win on a table, but it was a moment I WONT EVER forget thats for sure!!LOL


  • edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: august freerolls....... what fun!!!!!:
    Welcome Back!
    Posted by emilyegg
    Well THANK YOU My little cellar dweller friend.... ( hehehehhe)

     hows things going with you? did you get up to "my way" on your visit? I assumed it was you when i was told Hartlepool had been shut down due to a bat eating
     collar wearing diva in  Hope you had fun... :D

    You been on many tables of late?  seems ive been away for ages huh?

    I think I need to get into some more debates, see how long they can last before anyone gets annoid again lol

    Well have a great day emilly......   talk soon

  • edited August 2010
    oh well..... seems my luck was just a short lived event LOL

    Just came well into the 1000'th on this eves freeroll......  was fun though....roll on 10pm

    I will be armed with a braver belly and more daring moves......


    watch me be the 1st one out that game now   HAHAHAHA
  • edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: august freerolls....... what fun!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: august freerolls....... what fun!!!!! : Well THANK YOU My little cellar dweller friend.... ( hehehehhe)  hows things going with you? did you get up to "my way" on your visit? I assumed it was you when i was told Hartlepool had been shut down due to a bat eating  collar wearing diva in  Hope you had fun... :D You been on many tables of late?  seems ive been away for ages huh? I think I need to get into some more debates, see how long they can last before anyone gets annoid again lol Well have a great day emilly......   talk soon :)
    Posted by smiler271
    LOL Debbie, my last visit to Billingham was such a success that I am now firmly commited to spreading the love. (well at least between Monday 8am-Friday 6pm anyway). The weekends still need a bit of work. Great to hear from you and make sure you keep Hubby fed. :0) Lets have some topical debate, we have missed your input.
  • edited August 2010
    In Response to Re: august freerolls....... what fun!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: august freerolls....... what fun!!!!! : LOL Debbie, my last visit to Billingham was such a success that I am now firmly commited to spreading the love. (well at least between Monday 8am-Friday 6pm anyway). The weekends still need a bit of work. Great to hear from you and make sure you keep Hubby fed. :0) Lets have some topical debate, we have missed your input.
    Posted by emilyegg
    OK so what shall i rant about today then??

    Oh i seen you in last nights did you get on?

    Oh I THINK I MAY have something to get some feedback on....ill give it a try anyways and see what the outcome is.... :)

    Talk soon :)
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