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Sitting in the corner.....
Don't mind me....I've put myself in the corner to calm down until I don't let people put me on tilt!
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This is the little corner for people to come and think and calm down! lol
I've not been here for 4 days so fingers crosses the better i get at cash the less you will see me in my corner.
Night...someone turn the light off please x
I don't think they shud even sit nevermind sleep
are you making a cuppa or shall i?
1400+ runners.....£1000 for top spot.....144 places paid......played 4 and a half hours before I went AK diamonds being re-raised all in by the bloke next to me holding A10 hearts who then hit his 10 on the turn card.....
Did I rant?......Did I rave?..... Did I pull the arms of my Teddy Bear in a fit of pique?.....No!
Went to bed and sulked!!!