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flopped a straight beat by full house
flopped a straight beat by full house, my AA was cracked by pocket 6, and i saw more bad beats in 5 hours poker than i seen on any site i play, you might be thinking whats new ,but this was live play in the tourny at the casino,, i play a lot of live poker and you see bad beats all the time the only reason you see more on line is because the players will out fish you sometimes and you play and see much more hands,, i think most players on sky are new to the game and not played much live ,, so whem there best starting hands loses the chat box is full of what a con its rigged,, so my advice is if you want to enjoy on line poker and not go on tilt when you lose a hand ,, go play a week live in the casino,, bt the way just been knocked out the bounty allin AA caller from 88 he hit a straight on the river what a con lol
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Nice post, although i must say the poker level online is probably stronger than that of Live.
I've probably watched as much on TV as I've played online and they're exactly the same.
Not another bad beat story ... PLEASE not another bad beat story. I'm want a campaign for balance! Let's focus on how good the player with the pocket 6 feels. He had a HAPPY HAND. For every person's Bad Beat there is another player's Happy Hand. Why do so few people bring these stories to the forum??
Lets cheer ourselves up! is one I posted arlier.