Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
This guy cant actually enjoy the game?
Every time he plays he constantly rambling about how bad sky is, makes me lol. Heres chat, he was still going strong when I left table
Sorry, but I have deleted this post, you cannot name names on the forum, and some of the content was offensive, could any copies of this post be deleted too.
Thanks for you understanding.
Sky Mod
0 ·
How would you even see the chatbox. Are you 10 tabling in standard view these days. Jezz, you must have a projector and you just play on your whole living room wall
I always 10 table in standard view, I shouldnt really chat and play def is -ev, as is having 1 eye on tv and lookin at this forum, but hey am only human.
As it contained the name of the player, and words people may find offensive, the post was deleted.
Thank you for your patience and unerstaning.
Sky Mod
how do you do that do you have like 5 massive monitors??
isnt it an over 18 adult site...................
too much interferance on here.
There are forum rules which everyone must adhere too to post on the forum, the rules can be found here.
Thank you for your understanding.
Sky Mod