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Virtual poker but with a Live link........

edited August 2010 in The Shed
OK hear me out on this one before you pass judgment,....

WOULD you like to play online poker with a twist?
say you could be online, at home and still have the live face to face expirience with other players..... would you( say if you were a big time player) wish to stay annon or would you like that human interaction? where you can see tells, see the other players  faces.... as well as a small player ( like i am) play a few 35p games or £2 tornys and still be able to see the folk your up against, see their actions, reactions in more ways than just there bets, calls, etc....

Would you be willing to pay for this if it required equipment?

Would you want to do this and pay but not have your face shown, but DO see a LIVE DEALER via a cam of some type?

so, send me your answers, annon playing, face to face but from comfort of your own home, OR do u think if live poker is what you wanted then you would head to a casino etc...?

I look forward to your replies as always.....



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