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A pretty poor claim to fame. I got a tweet read out on Tikays Favourite show (maybe not his favourite show) Big Brothers Big Mouth.
Well someone was impressed I got a tweet from a complete stranger saying
@Donut64 Legend! Now I can say Legend is a much over used word especially in this case!
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My claim to fame is that I used to do long distance cross country running county level and I was presented with gold and silver medals by Sebastion Coe and Tessa Sanderson respectively.
My mum used to weave the cloth used for James Bonds suits lol ( Pierce Brosnin )
My niece was in the same class at Upper school as Kimberly Walsh. Doesnt like her though....I wonder why lol.
Have a few more 'lames' to fame but dont want to bore everone s h itless.
having abit of banter with him he was real funny so i decided to ask him for his autograph,so i walked up to him must of looked like some smitten teenager and takes my hard hat off and says to bobby "can you sign me helmet bobby"quick as a flash he says "flop it out then" well you could imagine the roar of laughter that was happening behind me i wished the ground would open up and swallow me,anyway he signed me helmet and i walked back to the lads red theres my claim to fame bobby davro singed my helmet