villain 3bets prob 15% or thereabouts but always to 27. This is the first time hes min3bet. He has shoved the turn about 3 times, mainly when he donkbets into me on flop then shoves turn, ive never looked him up. Edit: Found an example...
hes played it from the start like he has a big hand and he doesnt want to blow you off anything, what does he expect you to call the river shove with? are you thinking he has jacks here alot?
how often are you folding to his standard 3bet? hes played it from the start like he has a big hand and he doesnt want to blow you off anything, what does he expect you to call the river shove with? are you thinking he has jacks here alot? Posted by N1CK
i was folding to his 3bets a large % of the time. I had maybe called 3 or 4 times and only once got to showdown with KQ vs his AK on a scaryish king high board.
you would expect him to lead out on that flop with jacks all the time, if he 3 bet his standard amount and leads flop your snap calling his shove yeah? whats his biggest hand that wtsd and what was his value bet size? how many hands have you played with him?
if you have a big edge over him then its ok to fold here , the way hes played it you can put him on a hand that has you beat, you know he aint shoving if he has anything he can showdown, would he shove air when you have called two bets on a Ace high flop i doubt it, its a hard fold in the heat of battle. im not sure if i could fold this tho
I can see a lot of hands here if he's aggro enough, AK and KK are both possible- KK is a very plausible argument, as already said. I don't think you can specifically put him on a hand as strong as AA in this situation, though it's a possibility I guess- if he shows aces then so be it, but there's every chance he thinks he's slowplaying a monster with AK.
Could have another set, jacks perhaps, but I still can't see how you fold that to an aggro player.
hes played it from the start like he has a big hand and he doesnt want to blow you off anything, what does he expect you to call the river shove with? are you thinking he has jacks here alot?
I think aces are more likely than jacks
Heres another hand where he shoves...
whats his biggest hand that wtsd and what was his value bet size? how many hands have you played with him?
im not sure if i could fold this tho
Offshoot - please check your PMs
Many thanks
Could have another set, jacks perhaps, but I still can't see how you fold that to an aggro player.