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£3.30 DYM Bubble, PP facing 3 bet shove
First off a little history here.
Villain in this game has been uber aggresive right from the very start. He doubled up in the 2nd level & had been raising/3 betting at least ~70/75% of hands from most positions.
He'd doubled me up on level 3 when the blinds were 25/50. I had 88 & open raised to 175 & he min 3 bet me from the BB which I flatted. The flop came down 6 high & he bet into me for 3/4 of the pot which I shoved back into him. On that occasion he called me with AQ & missed.
About 6/7 hands prior to this (4 handed at the time) I had 88 again in the BB. He raised me from the SB & folded when I shoved all in.
I put villains range here to be any pocket pair, K10+ & any ace. This is mainly down to the fact that he was raising so much right from the start.
For the past two levels the table dynamics were that no one wanted to tangle & were just trying to get in the cash.
So does anyone make this call here or do we wait for a better spot?
Best case scenario is that I'm up against a smaller pair with worst case being that I'm up against 10 10+. fwiw, my feeling at the time is that if I made the call then I'm most likely flipping against over cards.
Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
| Small blind | | 100.00 | 100.00 | 2115.00 |
VILLAIN | Big blind | | 200.00 | 300.00 | 3630.00 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
silentbob | Raise | | 600.00 | 900.00 | 3100.00 |
| Fold | | | | |
| Fold | | | | |
VILLAIN | All-in | | 3630.00 | 4530.00 | 0.00 |
silentbob | ??? | | | | |
0 ·
I fold 99 pre-flop UTG against a maniac on the BB who's sharing the chip lead with me on the bubble of a DYM. 99 isn't good enough to risk busting out while you're in a postion of safety.
BTW, the two short stacks would have been shouting 'Call Bob, Call!' at their monitors while you made your decision.
I think you played it fine. You're showing decent strength UTG, still leaving 3100 chips behind and got your answer.
As played id fold
In this situation the villain is the chip leader with you closely behind , which leaves 2 shorter stacks on the table.And if i have worked it out correctly the 2 shot stacks have about the same amount.The 2 short stacks will be folding a lot in these circumstances hoping for a confrontation that doesnt involve them so they can cash ( with 10-11 BB they are not desperate yet).The 1 player on the table you do not want to get involved with is the chip leader and him with you.With the blinds at this levelk it is bully the shortstack time and make them call for their tourny preflop.You also have position on the chip leader 3 out of every 4 hands which you should be thinking about.
As to your play on this hand i do not like it one bit. By putting in a raise you have opened yourself up to a reraise from the chip leader.With this hand in this situation you should either open shove or fold to make them have the difficult decisions not you.And personally i would favour the fold because do you really want to be racing for your tournament life when a simple fold leaves you in a brilliant position.
This is why dym's r auwful! lol.