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such a sick hand!!!!!!!!!! turned set kings on flushing board!!!
| Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
donkeyplop | Small blind | | £0.02 | £0.02 | £9.49 | | Big blind | | £0.04 | £0.06 | £5.27 | | Your hole cards | | | | | | Fold | | | | | | Call | | £0.04 | £0.10 | £2.13 | grrrrrrrr
| Call | | £0.04 | £0.14 | £4.74 |
| Fold | | | | | donkeyplop | Raise | | £0.14 | £0.28 | £9.35 | | Fold | | | | | grrrrrrrr
| Fold | | | | | grrrrrrrrr
| Call | | £0.12 | £0.40 | £4.62 | Flop |
| | | | | | donkeyplop | Bet | | £0.40 | £0.80 | £8.95 | grrrrrrrr
| Call | | £0.40 | £1.20 | £4.22 | Turn |
| | | | | | donkeyplop | Bet | | £0.60 | £1.80 | £8.35 | grrrrrrrrr
| All-in | | £4.22 | £6.02 | £0.00 | donkeyplop | aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrggghhhhhh???
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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he has to have flush here doesnt he???
he hadnt been involved in many hands b4 seemed quite tight...
im guessing this is a cry and fold spot here????
imo the king on turn didnt help me as i had feeling he was chasing flush.
maybe i should of bet the flop more???
but as this level i have a feeling if he had the fd he would of called most raises!!!!
maybe i should of checked the turn??? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
i have a feeling he would of shoved if i checked eeeeeeeeeeek.
well i folded and waited for a better spot to get my money back im such a nit!!!!
For me defo fold as it just looks like he's called for his card and got there, you hitting a set doesn't change much, unless you wanna call off for a house.
yeah im 90% sure he had flush!!
imo it was just too much to call to try and hit house...
if he had been shoving alot i would of snap called but it was the first time he had done it in about 40 minutes play.....
was so tempting to call but im such a chicken....;)
I dont think most tight passive players at 4NL are shoving in this spot with something thats picked up outs in the hope that you'll fold something better
I probably call because I don't think many people at NL4 vb their made hands like this.
i know what you are saying at this level people can shove with some crazy hands!!!!!!!!
but he had been so passive before this and imo would of been a crying call.......
i cant re raise an all in............
edit. well technicaly i can as i had more chips but pointless..... it was call or fold.
yeah dohhhh i am going to put this on play my hand good idea )
Just food for thought guys!
he wasnt some sort of shove monkey though he had hardly been involved in a pot.
I've seen this alot, especially when people hit 2 pair.
Raising more pre flop might have seen him off.
good fold as played, would raise to 20-24 pre, bet pot flop as you get alot of flush draws calling when they dont have value, you may have even got rid of flush draw here