That's excrutiating! Surely Ziigmund doesn't need to embarrass himself like this? lol. And why are they doing Edward Scissorhands impressions with their hands?
That's excrutiating! Surely Ziigmund doesn't need to embarrass himself like this? lol. And why are they doing Edward Scissorhands impressions with their hands? Posted by NoseyBonk
HAHA hes alwaysz embarrassing himself in the chat box on FT lolol! he was having a pop at cole south lastnite after taking him for alot of buyins at the 40k cap games, when i stopped watching ziggys stack was like 350k lol. The he asked south with the money he won if he could rent hes GF for a night LMAO!
This is superb, step aside Vanilla Ice. (Eminem's just an amateur obv).
I swear those bottles at the end are normal size too and the guy's just that small, lol.