fallout vegas cant wait fallout3 was brilliant spent over 300 hrs playing it playing red dead at the mo been on that about 30 hrs only done about 8% of the game struggling to play it aswell as playing poker great game tho when i first had me atari was on astroids for 2 days solid great days them much better than batting that ball over that straight line in the middle of the screen,showing me age now lol
fallout vegas cant wait fallout3 was brilliant spent over 300 hrs playing it playing red dead at the mo been on that about 30 hrs only done about 8% of the game struggling to play it aswell as playing poker great game tho Posted by stokefc
Forgot about that. I too loved Fallout 3 and played it to death (not all the add-ons but most of them). I did Red Dead a few months ago. Great game but I was a little disappointed with the last few missions. Won't say why as it'll spoil it for you.
For my 56th birthday my wife and son bought me an Xbox360 elite, what ever that means! Anyway, i played call of duty modern war fair on hard, completed it, call of duty world at war, completed that on very hard! And am now playing "farcry2" on hard! Brilliant game with stunning graffs! If you want to lose yaself for an hour or two its brill!
playing red dead at the mo been on that about 30 hrs only done about 8% of the game struggling to play it aswell as playing poker great game tho
when i first had me atari was on astroids for 2 days solid great days them much better than batting that ball over that straight line in the middle of the screen,showing me age now lol