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missing on the flop,turn,river
i always watch the Primo lives and Bounty Hunters live,they are good shows when Lisa Marie is on there
.... when i have a A K,A Q,A J or even A 10 high i always put a little raise in then keep missing on the flop,turn and sometimes the river do i persist with this or LIMP in MOST POTS with A high,because their is always somebody who will put a bet in on the FLOP and i miss out????
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Raise pre. Standard is 3/4 times BB but if there are limpers then add on a 'tax' of 1bb per limper.
Continue betting on 'safe' flops. Say you have AQ of hearts and the board is K 7 3 rainbow then that is a fairly safe flop to c-bet as if you are called you can instatnly lock down and not put in a penny more (unless the turn/river are good for you ofc!) as to continue on that kinda board they have to hvae a very narrow range of hands.
If you do hit your A/K/Q etc then just bet strong and continue to do so as long as the board doesn't get straighty/flushy.