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NL50 misclick pre gets us into weird spot
Don't think I've played with him before. Any reads?
Unless he's maniacal I think its a fold because I can't really see him 3betting here with worse (especially in an unraised pot) as theres hardly any lower flushes he can have. If you dont believe you can call and evaluate the river but I think you're behind a really high % of the time.
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Hand History #289501179 (12:32 13/09/2010)
oh yeah forgot about that. only played him last night at 4am. it was really weird he was playing on 3/4 tables from 30nl to 100nl and on some buying in for full and other shortstacking for random amounts.
he seemed quite passive, esp on the 100nl table i played him on (we were HU for about 10 mins or so). just flat called me down with flushes/2pair etc.
just realised i haven't blanked out names will do now tho!
im not folding to that bet