In Response to Re: Get well soon Mr H : how do idiots like this not have drivers/cant afford cabs??!? why cant he drive properly it's not like it's hard!! Posted by beaneh
I think the suggestion, & legal position, too, is that it IS pretty hard to drive competently, & more importantly, safely, when you are off your head on drugs.
It's like driving under the influence of alcohol. It endangers & sometimes kills innocent people, & if the slap-head thinks he's gonna get an ounce of sympathy, he's deluded.
His music, I like, more so his beautifully produced Vids, his drug-fuelled lifestyle & disregard for the well-being of others I don't.
Room 101 with Davina, the entirely odious Max Clifford, & Branson, please.
In Response to Re: Get well soon Mr H : James, We are in ENGLAND. We don't do drugs - we do medicine . Those dreadful Americans do "drugs". Did you see the George Michael story yesterday? He got sent down for 8 weeks (should have been 8 years imo), for his quinty-fifth drugs bust, this time he crashed his car while spaced out yet again. His Solicitor entered a plea of mitigation, suggesting poor George - who demanded that his stage name, not his real name, be used in Court, which seemed inappropriately precious imo, as it's pretty dumb to give the Bench any pretentious hassle when you are bang to rights - was suffering from "bereavement issues". The Bench asked what these bereavement issues were, & poor George said that his Mum had passed away recently. "Recently?" asked the bench. "Yes in 1997" replied Georgey boy. Nice try. Posted by Tikay10
Thank you all for your messages of support. I can tell that Tikay's shedding a tear behind his wall of sarcastic prose ;-) I'm off to the doctor's in half-an-hour to get some drugs! Hopefully, I'll be well enough by Sunday to host this week's Primo. (By the way, this is the second time I've come back from a Sky Poker Tour event with a disease. Own up: who keeps infecting me?!?!?) Posted by J-Hartigan
Irene is correct, not about us being close a lot of the time but about me also having the lurgi. I don't think Irene is 100% either. Neither is MAXALLY but to be fair he wasn't 100% before DTD.
Now since we can't have given it to each other by a process of elimination it was one of the other 260 people at DTD that weekend.
I may be guilty as I started with a sore throat on Friday night - but if you don't have tonsles, can you give people tonsilitis? Discuss Posted by darich
1) Just because you've had your tonsils removed doesn't mean you can't contract tonsillitis! That's why doctors no longer recommend this invasive procedure.
2) Yesterday afternoon, the GP confirmed that I don't actually have tonsillitis - just a really nasty virus that's caused my throat to swell up and my chest to produce lots of phlegm (apologies for the detail). Anyway, I'm continuing to double-dose paracetamol and ibuprofen. And, on a positive note, I'll have time today to write my second SPT blog!
In Response to Re: Get well soon Mr H : 1) Just because you've had your tonsils removed doesn't mean you can't contract tonsillitis! That's why doctors no longer recommend this invasive procedure. 2) Yesterday afternoon, the GP confirmed that I don't actually have tonsillitis - just a really nasty virus that's caused my throat to swell up and my chest to produce lots of phlegm (apologies for the detail). Anyway, I'm continuing to double-dose paracetamol and ibuprofen. And, on a positive note, I'll have time today to write my second SPT blog! Posted by J-Hartigan
Get well Soon James, We need someone on the screen to slap down TK, when he gets too Ducky, trainy, Cementy on us Posted by JockBMW
You have a choice for this week's topic....
1) The THORP reprocessing plant.
2) Quarks, hadrons, protons & neutrons. Here's one for you. In the world of sub-atomic small, did you know that there are 6 "flavors" (that's the technical term, & correct spellage) of quarks? Even more fascinating, 4 of the 6 flavors are known by the very technically challenging titles of.....
Question 1 - what are the other 2 types of quarks known as?
google is your friend, you'd not guess it in a zillion years, as the 2 missing names are strange but with a certain charm.
In Response to Re: Get well soon Mr H : Behave. You have a choice for this week's topic.... 1) The THORP reprocessing plant. Or... 2) Quarks, hadrons, protons & neutrons. Here's one for you. In the world of sub-atomic small, did you know that there are 6 "flavors" (that's the technical term, & correct spellage) of quarks? Even more fascinating, 4 of the 6 flavors are known by the very technically challenging titles of..... Up Down Top Bottom Question 1 - what are the other 2 types of quarks known as? google is your friend, you'd not guess it in a zillion years, as the 2 missing names are strange but with a certain charm. Posted by Tikay10
In Response to Re: Get well soon Mr H : I have checked with Mycroft (who he, you may well ask), & your answer is not accepted. I need it exactly right, please. Posted by Tikay10
Walesboy gets the Prize, which includes free swimming lessons in the Sellafield lagoons.
What a strange world the "very small" world of particles is. Imagining something so highly complex that one's eyes glaze over just reading about it, only to find that something so complex as quarks comes in flavors so intriguingly named as Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange, & Charm.
I read in a book yesterday that the so-called Higgs Bosun, aka God Particle, which the LHC at CERN is looking for, amongst other stuff, lasts for one trillionth of one trillionth of one second. Don't blink, eh?
More fascinating wordage. Two of the four fundamental forces are known as "strong interaction", &, wait for it, "weak interaction". Surely they can do better, though in a way, it's half the fascination I guess.
Anyway, we digress. Back to raising with A-K UTG, & whether Jake Cody will be evicted from BB.
There's nothing wrong with him! He's skiving! I saw him last night at Spearmint Rhino's getting a lap-dance. I, er, happened to have wandered in by mistake, on my way to return some books to the library... Posted by RICHORFORD
They have a jazz mags section at the library AND allow returns? Obviously I'm referring to music here.
It's like driving under the influence of alcohol. It endangers & sometimes kills innocent people, & if the slap-head thinks he's gonna get an ounce of sympathy, he's deluded.
His music, I like, more so his beautifully produced Vids, his drug-fuelled lifestyle & disregard for the well-being of others I don't.
Room 101 with Davina, the entirely odious Max Clifford, & Branson, please.
Hmmmm you two DID spend an awful lot of time together
hugs irene x
Now since we can't have given it to each other by a process of elimination it was one of the other 260 people at DTD that weekend.
You have a choice for this week's topic....
1) The THORP reprocessing plant.
2) Quarks, hadrons, protons & neutrons. Here's one for you. In the world of sub-atomic small, did you know that there are 6 "flavors" (that's the technical term, & correct spellage) of quarks? Even more fascinating, 4 of the 6 flavors are known by the very technically challenging titles of.....
Question 1 - what are the other 2 types of quarks known as?
google is your friend, you'd not guess it in a zillion years, as the 2 missing names are strange but with a certain charm.
I need it exactly right, please.
Walesboy gets the Prize, which includes free swimming lessons in the Sellafield lagoons.
What a strange world the "very small" world of particles is. Imagining something so highly complex that one's eyes glaze over just reading about it, only to find that something so complex as quarks comes in flavors so intriguingly named as Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange, & Charm.
I read in a book yesterday that the so-called Higgs Bosun, aka God Particle, which the LHC at CERN is looking for, amongst other stuff, lasts for one trillionth of one trillionth of one second. Don't blink, eh?
More fascinating wordage. Two of the four fundamental forces are known as "strong interaction", &, wait for it, "weak interaction". Surely they can do better, though in a way, it's half the fascination I guess.
Anyway, we digress. Back to raising with A-K UTG, & whether Jake Cody will be evicted from BB.
who is giving the lessons??
who give's a flying mallard?
The alleys this forum strays down!
Hope you're up to snuff soon James.
(Michael Moorcock ftw!)
I saw him last night at Spearmint Rhino's getting a lap-dance.
I, er, happened to have wandered in by mistake, on my way to return some books to the library...
They have a jazz mags section at the library AND allow returns? Obviously I'm referring to music here.