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Confused brain with odds - very newbie question
Hi everyone,
Up until january this year, when I started playing poker, ive never gambled in my life - so i was pretty new to odds and what they all meant. Anyway, excuse over lol - im a bit confused between counting outs and the rule of 2 and 4.
Please bare with me....
on the flop, I have 4 to the flush - 9 outs, 47 cards unseen. 47 - 9 = 38 (38 to 9) or 4.2 to 1
Following the rule of 4 (Solomon) - multiply outs by 4 and subtract number in excess of 8. 9 x 4 = 36 - 1 = 35% chance of hitting flush if you get to see the turn and river, Thats more like 3 to 1?
Have I worked that out right?
If so, after the turn card and ur still 4 to the flush, the odds drop massive following the rule of 2 (18%), but the change in odds the first way is the 2nd confusion e.g counting outs and subtracting etc. 46 - 9 = 37 (37 to 9) or 4.1 to 1
I read about the rule of 4 and 2 in harrington - cant remember where I read the cards seen/unseen bit from tho.
Would appreciate any help. I'm slowly building my miniscule bank roll, so im sure, understanding this properly wont hurt lol.
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It's not 100% accurate, but this should be accurate enough to calculate odds quickly- if you're on the flop, an out is worth 4% each, on the turn, 2% each.
Always remember the 4% on flop only counts if you're going allin- a common mistake is thinking you have 36% chance of hitting a flush and using that as your odds to call a flop bet- that assumes you're going to see the river for free, which you probably won't.
Thank you
So, If im 4 to the flush on the flop, that gives me 36% using DuecesLive calculation. So im a 2-1 underdog to hit the flush by the river. If someone shoves and I call, I will loose 2 out of every 3 hands. On the turn that changes to 18% which gives me approx 5-1 to hit the flush - is that right?
Its not that obvious Beaneh - lol - not for some of us mere mortals who only have 3 grey cells and one of them's on a permanent tea break!
Cheers guys
yes you will lost 2/3 times with the flush draw on the flop. but aslong as your opponent bets less than the size of the pot then you will be getting atleast 2:1 on your call, making it both fun degen gambling and profitable at the same time, hoorah