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This thread serves no purpose!

edited September 2010 in The Shed
 We live we die sometimes we reproduce other lives of other people who serve no purpose! So why does Tikay (and now Hartigan) think threads should serve a purpose.
 If letting off steam and airing your grievances doesnt serve any purpose what does?
 As a person that suffers depression I find it hard to think off anything that serves any real purpose as no matter what we say or do at the end of it all we are just going to be another dead person and for most of us soon forgotten!
 I just thought I would start this day with this cheery thought but of course it serve no real purpose!


  • edited September 2010
    In Response to This thread serves no purpose!:
     We live we die sometimes we reproduce other lives of other people who serve no purpose! So why does Tikay (and now Hartigan) think threads should serve a purpose.  If letting off steam and airing your grievances doesnt serve any purpose what does?  As a person that suffers depression I find it hard to think off anything that serves any real purpose as no matter what we say or do at the end of it all we are just going to be another dead person and for most of us soon forgotten!  I just thought I would start this day with this cheery thought but of course it serve no real purpose!
    Posted by Donut64
    you make sence to me donut ;o)
    I like these "no purpose" threads! lol xxx
  • edited September 2010
    If you have a concern about ppl that have a concern about threads that have no purpose, please contact customer services where they will tell you your concern has no purpose.

    ps, DONT NAME NAMES - it serves no purpose
  • edited September 2010
    Surely me saving 50 pence pieces serves a purpose?
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to This thread serves no purpose!:
     We live we die sometimes we reproduce other lives of other people who serve no purpose! So why does Tikay (and now Hartigan) think threads should serve a purpose.  If letting off steam and airing your grievances doesnt serve any purpose what does?  As a person that suffers depression I find it hard to think off anything that serves any real purpose as no matter what we say or do at the end of it all we are just going to be another dead person and for most of us soon forgotten!  I just thought I would start this day with this cheery thought but of course it serve no real purpose!
    Posted by Donut64
    this thread serves no purpose!!! tiiiiiiikay...............................................................................;)

    just listening to huflung on 865!!!! where has the pu gone lol
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: This thread serves no purpose!:
    Surely me saving 50 pence pieces serves a purpose?
    Posted by HuFlungPu
     You 50ps are just bits of metal with numbers on them and intrinsically quite valueless! They are merly a token and if people would not accept them as payment it would render them worthless.
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: This thread serves no purpose!:
    In Response to Re: This thread serves no purpose! :  You 50ps are just bits of metal with numbers on them and intrinsically quite valueless! They are merly a token and if people would not accept them as payment it would render them worthless.
    Posted by Donut64
    In that case could you send me any useless slips of paper that you have with the queens head on
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: This thread serves no purpose!:
    In Response to Re: This thread serves no purpose! : In that case could you send me any useless slips of paper that you have with the queens head on
    Posted by HuFlungPu
     I would but you would only trade them for something else then you wouldnt have them. Whats the point of that?
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to This thread serves no purpose!:
     We live we die sometimes we reproduce other lives of other people who serve no purpose! So why does Tikay (and now Hartigan) think threads should serve a purpose.  If letting off steam and airing your grievances doesnt serve any purpose what does?  As a person that suffers depression I find it hard to think off anything that serves any real purpose as no matter what we say or do at the end of it all we are just going to be another dead person and for most of us soon forgotten!  I just thought I would start this day with this cheery thought but of course it serve no real purpose!
    Posted by Donut64
    Context is everything, Steve!

    If someone has an issue with a particular player (e.g. personal abuse, allegations of collusion, suspicion of multi-accounting), they should go through the proper channels (i.e. report the individual to Customer Care).  Matters such as these should always be dealt with behind closed doors.

    Airing dirty laundry in public / trial without jury is, at best, poor etiquette and, at worst, counter-productive.

    P.S. Can't work out if this thread serves a purpose or not... ;-)

  • edited September 2010
    Does a cotton thread serve any purpose???
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: This thread serves no purpose!:
    In Response to This thread serves no purpose! : Context is everything, Steve! If someone has an issue with a particular player (e.g. personal abuse, allegations of collusion, suspicion of multi-accounting), they should go through the proper channels (i.e. report the individual to Customer Care).  Matters such as these should always be dealt with behind closed doors. Airing dirty laundry in public / trial without jury is, at best, poor etiquette and, at worst, counter-productive. P.S. Can't work out if this thread serves a purpose or not... ;-)
    Posted by J-Hartigan
     This sermon serves no purpose on this thread as this thread is just a bit a fun!
     Ps What are you doing all the way down here are you lost!
     Pps What is the purpose of the 49ers having Gore if they dont have a team to support him! :)
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: This thread serves no purpose!:
    Does a cotton thread serve any purpose???
    Posted by phil12uk
     Of coarse not! Cotton and other fabrics have been used to cloth us, but if they had not been used then our bodys would have adapted to the planetery conditions!
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: This thread serves no purpose!:
    Your argument is thread bare as it has already served a purpose in telling us you suffer from low self esteem which is a contributing factor to your bouts of depression. Churchill called it the "mad dog" and he was a great man who suffered this complaint. Mental health problems are varied and you don't have to be mad to suffer from Mental problems.  Stress and Depression is but one Area which is often under estimated by Doctors and it does not help the Patient to be told,  "Have a good cry you'll feel better." Some people need Stress to function and other it can be debilitating. If you have a sympathetic Doctor he or she may give you pills or medication they can work [some of the time] for some,  but you can become dependent on them, or even addicted to them adding to the problem. I am not a Psychiatrist nor have I magic bullet to cure Stress or Depression but I do know,  you have to either live with it or seek advice. Men often shy from Counselling but it can help and should be considered along with exercise and keep fit which releases hormones into the Brain. You do have one other wise this post is waisted and serves no purpose. Hugs Annie x  
    Posted by logdon
     Thanks Annie.
     I am on a waiting list to see someone! Cant really see what good it will do. Some people say its good to talk about these things but sometimes I dont know when to shut up and that as never helped me.
     I am 46 and I have had bouts of depression since I was a child so if that was somehow taken away I cant see how I could still be me. Any humour I do have often comes from my negativaty. I still feel positive happy people are the ones that need help to see the world as it really is.
     I dont know wether you have noticed I am one of very few who never complains about bad beats thats because its me that lives in the real world were so many live in a world of delusion.
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: This thread serves no purpose!:
    In Response to Re: This thread serves no purpose! :  I would but you would only trade them for something else then you wouldnt have them. Whats the point of that?
    Posted by Donut64
  • edited September 2010
    A bar doesn't serve any purpose but it does serve beer. Does that then make a bar a paradox?
  • edited September 2010
    I think a lot of people get deppressed when some stranger on a poker forum suddenly makes them realise that life serves no useful purpose, and the best they can ever hope for is that another stranger from customer care might remember them for half a second, one day, about tea time, but before deal or no deal, but not before the news, no-one would remember me while the news is on, well maybe me Mum, and me julee, and me little brother, and me kids, and thier Mum, and me sister, and me bigger little brother, me Dad might be too distracted though, he loves the news

     do deppressed people go mad?--- or do mad people get deppressed?--- you decide!
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: This thread serves no purpose!:
     I stand corrected by Hubby he said Churchill called it the "Black Dog"  We .... the forum Players jest but this is a serious subject and for Donut is not funny. Please when the person is on the tenth floor don't shout jump. 
    Posted by logdon
     Thank you. But I wont jump its just that I wouldnt be to disapionted if I fell!
  • edited September 2010
    How can you feel down when you got us !

  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: This thread serves no purpose!:
    How can you feel down when you got us !
    Posted by HuFlungPu
     I can feel lonley in a crowded room I could have a big win and still feel poor. I can have people care about me but still feel worthless.
     I am not misrable all the time sometimes I feel happy for a while but then I look into the future and see emptiness. I look back and remember good times and miss them and I remember bad times and relive them.
     Its just how my mind works I darent expect things to go right because the odds are they wont.
     Expect nothing and when you get nothing their is nothing to be disapointed about!
     I hope that explains everthing but some how I dont think it will have!
  • edited September 2010
    Sorry to hear you are proper poorly with it donut and you should always remember that everything said in a forum is 99% a laugh and no comments are ever meant to be hurtful

    Have you ever tried 4 betting or check raising? .... makes you feel great
  • edited September 2010
     The reason I could not jump is because of others and how they would feel but if I had an accident I think it would be easier for them to accept. I have Vertigo so my balance is not the best so people would understand.
     As for relationships I have only been truly in love twice and I still have feelings for both especially the last one! It as been five years since that relationship broke up but I still love her as much as I did then and I dont feel a place in my heart for anyone else.
     I have found Sky Poker and the forum a distraction from life which as helped but I do keep making the mistake of being to open with my feelings. It makes me look as though Im attention seeking when really I would just like to live in my own little bubble! It really would have been better if I could have kept the real me seprate from Donut64 because I quite like Donut. Steve x

    In the reply to

    So young man who would be please you fell and who would be sad, unhappy, angry that you were so selfish to take the easy way out. Your ex wife your friends your children.  The people you leave behind,  on that mind set they are the one's that pick up the pieces and have to live with your weakness. I have been on the railway station platform so know. Please keep your appointments and get value back in your life. Join a club where you meet people and try to form new relationships with the opposite sex. You sound and come across as an intelligent person and at your age you [can] find that someone that will give you new meaning and purpose and get back  a new life, but "Only you."  can take the first step. please  please you will not regret it, don't sit indoors playing Poker or nothing will change. hugs Annie x
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: This thread serves no purpose!:
    Sorry to hear you are proper poorly with it donut and you should always remember that everything said in a forum is 99% a laugh and no comments are ever meant to be hurtful Have you ever tried 4 betting or check raising? .... makes you feel great
    Posted by HuFlungPu
     I dont take anything said in jest to heart and despite my depression I can take a joke!
     I do tend to play a bit aggressive at times! One of my faves was when playing Hoggers I was on the small blind and he was on the big. I tried stealing his big blind with 64 off with a 3x BB bet but he called me then I hit 2 pair on the flop he hit top pair top kicker I kept betting he kept calling until the end when another 4 came down Then put a rather nervous looking half pot bet in he went all-in thinking I was at it and I snap called that was fun!
  • edited September 2010
    Watch " What about Bob"

    i feel good... i feel great.....i feel wonderful

    gimme gimme gimme.....i need i need i need

    (once you watch it the quotes are really funny...honest)
  • edited September 2010
    Hi Annie. I cant help living in the past because that is were my heart is!
     My days of being embarrassed about anything are long gone. When I was working I would often cry or punch myself in the face and hit myself over the head with heavy objects in front of my work mates. Once you have done things like that their is very little left you can do that is embarrassing.
     Well thats me done for the night. What started tongue in cheek thread as certainly got a little deep. Steve
  • edited September 2010
    In Response to Re: This thread serves no purpose!:
    Watch " What about Bob" i feel good... i feel great.....i feel wonderful gimme gimme gimme.....i need i need i need (once you watch it the quotes are really funny...honest)
    Posted by HuFlungPu
     Thats wierd some workmate taped that for me many moons ago and said I should watch it because I reminded them of Bob! It was Murry and Dryfuss if I remember right. But I dont have the drive to change as much as Bob did!
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