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Shoving with QQ pre in DYM
Hi everyone,
the_don90 posted a thread a couple of weeks ago re shoving with QQs to the re-raise in the early stages of a DYM. Everyone, except me, said that it was the right thing to do - 'fist pump shove' was one answer that sticks in my mind lol! I just couldn't see how this would work in a game which, in the early levels you are playing 'risk averse'.
So, ive been trying it out. Sorry the_don - my answer was very very wrong. First time I tried - found myself crushed by AAs - ahhhhh. But, not to be discouraged ive since doubled and trebled up.
How would everyone advise on playing JJs or 1010. I do like to raise pre with these hands (usully 4 bigs in the early stages). Would it be wiser to call a re-raise and see a flop or 'fist pump and shove' again?
By the way, I play the £1.15 £2.25 stakes - if thats any help.
Thanks for any advice
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I only seem to hit a set when ive already folded - hole cards 94 off and two nines hit the flop lol - but thats poker
Thanks for reply
Started to take more notes now SHANXTA and yep - always meet at least one familiar name - if not 2 or 3.
There was a thread not so long ago about what best to right in the notes, which helped a great deal.