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"Kyle Confronts" - Benefit Britain.
Watching this, this morning has really been an eye-opener......(watch the repeat if u aint seen it).....
How can someone be better off on benefits than if they got a job??????
Getting a job would mean they LOST MONEY !!!
Whats going on here? anyone got views on this????
How the heck can people be expected to work for less money than they would get by not having to work????
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I also disagree with people getting more money per child, this is why people just have kids to get more money out of the system. You should stop getting extra benefits after the 2nd one. Yes it sounds like im trying to start a dictatorship, but im not. Im tired of hearing people moan about there being no jobs, because there is. Just look in the local job centre. I've put myself through college and university and had a job since i left high school at 16, so why do these 20 and 30 year olds struggle? Because they're LAZY and most of them dont want to work.
Is this really what our dads and grandads fought in both the world wars for? I think they'd be looking down on this country in disgust.
[edit] By the way I have no issues with people on benefits who are genuinely disabled and physically cannot work.
Someone asks you what do you do for a living, and all you can reply is " im on benefits " does that not make those people feel bad? Knowing the millions of hard-working individuals in this country are paying for them to live? I'd feel bloody guilty, but I guess most of the people these days would look at that as a good thing. Sadly.
we have a friend who has 2 children who is on benefits.
one of her children is disabled so she gets more money for that.
she worked out that she gets about £1200 a month in benefits which is crazy imo.
if you took a low paid job working a 40 hour week you would earn no where near that once the government has taken there share so i can see why she doesnt work! whats the point?
while ive worked all my life but for the last 2 months ive been off sick due to a chronic ilness and i hardly get any help in benefits!
the whole system is flawed as you would think people who have worked all there life and then need help would be treated better than someone who just fires out a load of babies.........................
Would be great if there was a solution, but the problem is that this country has been too soft for too long.
I have known folk on benefits who are quite well off which is wrong.
There are folk who will NEVER work though, maybe just because they have been let down by the system and their upbringing.
I might be wrong, but the lad (never looked much older than 30) sitting outside Wilkinsons this morning at about 9am shotgunning a can of special brew whilst having great fun playing with a sparkler is probably not in work, and probably wont be for a while.
It is people like this who have been failed (imo) but for the leeches, unless there is a radical overhaul of the benefits system, they will always be on easy street.
Any economic benefit in welfare/unemployment benefits not falling from the sky (or being cut) for these scammers would probably be more than gobbled-up in the cost of rising crime that would no doubt follow.
Its been said before, and will probably be said again, but the long term unemployed/unemployable should be out there doing SOMETHING in return for the money they get.
Carlsberg Special Brew............27 cans
Strongbow.............................62 pints
Fosters/Carling etc.................61.5 pints
The Nasty own-brand 1% stuff from Supermarkets 79 Cans (per day)
QC Sherry.............................2 pints (at Breakfast Time)
White Lightning/Gut Rot/99p Lambrini....3 litres per day (if it is the 50% extra free bottle)
Cointreau..............................Just 1 50ml shot
doesnt one of the royal family own like half the propertys in london???
what a cheek!
Cant remember which programme i watched, but, a guy on long term unemployment benefits went in the job centre and was shown jobs he could apply for and the lady who was helping him was even saying 'you will be better off staying on benefits' eventually he got a job and obviously the council house that was being payed for by taxpayers now had to be paid for by him. It was not long before he realised he was only making a few bob more than if he were sat on his bootox and was back to square one.
Thats knowing where your breads buttered.
I agree with EmilyEgg, there has to be something that THE scroungers and layabouts who cant be aR55ed can be doing, they could start with all the holes in the roads maybe, clearing up derelict areas, doing my washing up maybe?
Sure though their poor old 'WhoMan Rights innit' would somehow be contravened.....Poor Sods
I agree with the Egg, everyone on benefits should have to work for it on community projects, no show - no money, the decent people looking for jobs will happily do this no questions asked. This is the only way to try and get something out of the remaining scummers cause at the minute they are laughing at everyone of us.
I'm surprised anyone's shocked by this.
I don't have statistics to hand but what's the average wage just now? What's the average cost for a meagre place's month's rent? Probably about 50% of it? Add benefits onto your rent being paid? Add what you can make on the fly? Add the convenience of not having to work? I can't blame them for not wanting to work.
When I first split with the mother of my child I was seriously considering it. I was hauling myself out of bed at 6 every morning to pay bills, pay maintenance, pay for my times with him and could barely afford a night out a month as she partied continuously. Aye, I had my own house, I had my own car, but the dole would pay my rent and probably a car too if I could prove a gammy leg.
A girl that grew up in my area was interviewed in The Sun recently about her lifestyle and she was totally blatant about it. She admitted how much she got and it was startling. Probably a better lifestyle than me and I've got a fairly decent job. She did have 3 kids to three different fathers admittedly but that's almost a career move these days.
I'm not going to get all Daily Mail here but the above are facts.
Solutions? They're not so easy. Cut the benefits? Crime rises. Make people work for benefits? Who exactly polices that and pays for that policing? A sweeping generalisation, but it wouldn't be the easiest mob to control I'd imagine.
I wholly believe in the welfare system. Read "The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists" if you want an idea of how bad things were before. But like so many things (Health and Safety, Political correctness et al), it's gone full circle. You can blame the MPs but they're mostly quite intelligent chaps. The human mass is quite hard to control. And by and large we're quite a selfish beast.
An aside, but I also knew a guy on disability allowance that managed to get £30K from various credit cards. The Baillifs couldn't even touch his possesions as he was on disabillity. Debt written off. He told it with humour though, I'll let him of with it.
Crikey, that was a serious post for The Shed. Maybe we need a "heavy s h i t" forum, lol.
They couldn't do that anyway. The only baillifs that can enter your home and take goods are for debts to county councils/the inland revenue.
I was on benefits a couple of years ago. The system is very wrong. The basic benefit is pittence, its just when you add in all the other stuff does it add up to serious money. I got something like 45£/week but then it was increased to 80£/week because I had a medical issue at the time.
The job centres are very depressing places and the right help isn't given.
I do think that people who have been on JSA for over a year should have to do some kind of community projects to then receive their money, however I believe that studies have looked into this and it would cost more to organise and enforce this than the amount that would be saved.
But the main issue is that a lot of people who exist on benefits are totally unemployable. They have been victims of the system and have been under them so long that it is too late for them to change. What must be done is something to stop the next generation from falling into the same trap.
I firmly believe that compulsary national service for all people aged 16-24 will help turn things around. These young people may have lived their entire live without a)having a father figure in the house or b) having no working adult role model in their immediate family. And a new life experience, away from their family, may give them the insight and drive to change and want to contribute to society.
I kinda agree with most of what you've written. Benefits aren't huge money to the layman. But to the flyman they are all he needs to have an edge. I've seen it a million times Scotty, trust me.
The bottom part of your post, whereas not wrong, is a tad idealistic I feel. Who's going to control this and police it? In the Recession (and it is a recession, if not a depression) that we're in as the government makes scathing cuts?
It's a problem of our so called society. It ain't the problem of those "slackers". It's been too long in the making to blame any individual. Or even any individual group.
F u c k it, Bed. Good night and good bless to all humanity xx
totally agree. the issues that are facing Britain, in fact most the Western world, have been decades in the making.
the USA has a far more hardline stance on social security and has deeper social problems than us.
but yeah to the bailliffs thing they have very, very little powers. a huge amount of personal debt is unsecured, like credit cards/loans and once someone defaults the companies have very little they can do to reclaim the money. THEY could get a CCJ and then apply for a bailliff however this is rare as usually the sums are sub 10k and the chance of full repayment is so remote that it is just written off.
the biggest weapon that particular industry has is public ignorance and fear. when i was 19 i was in like 15k of debt. i didnt pay for a couple of months and then the letters/phone calls came which was scary so i started doing my homework and quickly found out that these major high street names were so FOS and they had virtually no basis to reclaim the money so i wrote to them back offering them each a figure of 15% of debt owed as a full and final settlement on the basis that the black marks that were placed on my credit history to be removed.
after 2 months they had all agreed. a year later i had a mortgage approved and have never touched any form of credit since.
sorry for going a bit O/T btw but if any financial instuition threatens you stick to your guns and don't let them intinmate you. the only people you should make sure you pay are your mortgage/inland revenue and council tax! especially council tax