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*MTT specialists** first level, hand analysis, and strategy....
I haven't posted this just for hand analysis, as I am happy with the way I've played it, and the result of the hand (when the money went in)
I want your thought process, and different points of view, for what your are trying to achieve in this spot.
- Is the first level of a 5.50 MTT - 65 runners, 8 paid.
- I have no notes on the players, but the standard here is pretty bad typically, ofc there's gonna be some unknown competent players, but I havent seen anything yet.
- Pre flop, I have a big hand, I wanna get some money into the pot, if I take it down now, happy days.
- My aim in mtt's is not to go all out for the win, ofc I'd rather cash than bubble, but if I do cash, I want to give myself a chance of winning.....(ie, not get into the cash with 4xbb)
Therefore my game-plan is to get chips early, and use them to exploit the edge that I think I have over the field.
What would you do at each stage of the hand? Referring to your MTT strategy?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancewattage Small blind 10.00 10.00 1875.00 DOHHHHHHH Big blind 20.00 30.00 1940.00 Your hole cards A K kelboy Call 20.00 50.00 1371.25 andydufres Call 20.00 70.00 2803.75 PNM Fold Everton76 Raise 40.00 110.00 1900.00 wattage Call 30.00 140.00 1845.00 DOHHHHHHH Raise 250.00 390.00 1690.00 kelboy Fold andydufres Fold Everton76 Call 230.00 620.00 1670.00 wattage Call 230.00 850.00 1615.00 Flop 3 5 Q wattage Check DOHHHHHHH Bet 700.00 1550.00 990.00 Everton76 All-in 1670.00 3220.00 0.00 wattage Fold DOHHHHHHH Call 970.00 4190.00 20.00 DOHHHHHHH Show A K Everton76 Show J J
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pre flop ..... raise pot size (140)
post flop..... bet out for about 400-450 into pot which would be 560
after oppo re-raises all in I fold, knowing I am way behind.
At a later stage in the tourney I may reconsider, but this early no way am I putting all my chips in post flop with AK on that board, after all what am I holding ? only Ace high.
pre flop i think a bit too aggro maybe 100-140
flop again too aggro i maybe 1/2 pot it
whatever the response has been though by the oppo all of my chips are going in to any shove or re-raise
quietman a pot sized raise would be to 200 total, to work it out you call the raise to match his bet, then reraise the size of the new pot which would be 20(to call his raise)+140=160(this is the total size of the pot that you then add on to your stake),
40+160 = 200.
bet/folding flop is really bad
my table had Anjie1980 and Massie29 on it. sigh
once i see that flop and with the amount in there im happy to get my chips in Dohhhhhh you played it fine in that respect.
However, I do keep the pot smaller tho as its early days i wouldnt reraise with AK so big pre. i might even flat the min raise pre... others will hate this obv.
i would do exactly the same and pre flop is ryt any smaller u would of ended up with 3-4 callers!!
nice pay howd it work out?
if I was to click on the 'pot ' raise button then I would have raised it to 200, but I wouldn't use this button so my pot raise would be what was in the pot , which was 140 and that was the amount I intended to raise not 200 as you say,
thanks anyway
I think you played it well m8

With AK your obviously not gonna hit that many times so when you see that flop you have got to crack open a can of beer, sit back and call his all in and relax
You say you missed, oh well, never mind but you are happy to see his hand because if you thought you were only on a FD you now know 100% that any A or K is good as well - I would be seriously excited if I were you
hate the other persons play here flat calling pre and then all in when over card
As it was with that flop i'm putting my chips in as well you have the nut flush draw as well as overcards if they are live. With a table/tournament full of poor players think what damage you could do wih double everyone elses stack.
Get the double or GTFO imo.
The thing with a 5x raise is it doesn't leave so much leverage to a reraise bluff- if you get reraised, you're pretty certain you're behind. Marginal aces will often fold to a raise of that size, as well as a lot of other marginal hands (QJ/Q10/KJ etc). A 3x raise leaves a lot more fold equity open, when you open for 5x you're essentially saying 'I am in this hand, and you're not getting me off it'.
I'm not saying it's what I'd do, or even what's correct to do, but I do think there's a place for it if you know your opponents well enough, increasing a raise size could work.