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Before everyone starts saying poker sites are fixed just try 1 thing 1st. Get a deck of cards deal out to 6 players all facing up, take the best hand and the 4th best hand fold the rest, now pretend it's an all-in pot and deal the last 5 cards.
See who wins the hand do this 100 times (I would say 1000 but that takes time) i recon you will get 60/40 to the best hand so not a big diffrence.
The problen is you are getting called by players who shouldn't be in the pot to start with (bad players or desprate ones), this normally happens on tables with less than £5 to play.
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but what i'm trying to say is we all have bad beats but the higher the money is or the deeper you get into a comp the less the bad beats are cos you don't have as many bad players calling
if you think it's fixed why are you playing it?
it's the same on any poker site you will always get people saying the game is fixed but they still play it.
Could do it 4/5/6 way if you really want.
He was in that Sky Total player and is pretty much part of the Sky Illuminati bully. Is it any wonder he's sticking up for them? He's probably been guaranteed 70/30 when it comes to 50/50s. Didn't work against me but that's just cause I'm too good to let odds like that defeat me.
Dohhhhh's not even real. He's the bot equivelant of a thousand monkeys typing for years turning out Shakespeare. The majority of his posts disapear, did you ever notice that? The ones in support of sky remain. Hmmm. How curious.