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Text from a lady friend today....
Getting to know a new young lady at the moment. I must have mentioned something about Sky Poker to her.
This is, ad verbatim, what she text me today;
"I had a look last night at Sky Poker to see what all the fuss is about, that old guy on it is a bit of a slever."
Whoever could she be referring to?
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Being not exactly down with the kidz these days- I had to look up in the urban dictionary what slever means. There are 3 definitions and the amazing thing is, ANY of them could apply...
I always thought "slever" was a Caithness word and was going to give it a definition for you Englanders. Googled it first to see if it was a real word and was surprised to find that definition. Basically up here it means the saliva that comes from your mouth and someone who talks a lot of them. So there you go, some cultural education on Sky Poker for yas. (Machka and MaxAlly take note.)
I just hope this new 'lady friend' of yours doesn't stumble across the Lisa-Marie thread you started, that might be a bit embarrassing eh?
(note to lady friend, please don't try and PM me by clicking the "Contact Machka" link at the bottom of this thread and asking me for a link to the thread I mentioned below.)
Slever is defo a drool. but can be used at the same to imply that someone is talkin sh!te. "Stop Slevering MsChips''
A wife is wyce eneuch that kens her guid man's breeks frae her ain kirtle.
But if we* speak like that then youse lot speak like something out of Chaucer.
* Maybe Aberdonian's tbf.