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On the waiting list for the cash 300 tables.
Worked my br up to £150. Deposited my limit (£100).
It will hurt to lose all £250 but fortune favours the brave.
I'm in there if a few drop out.
I'm ready.
0 ·
Minimum buy-in?!
I knew they'd be scared off me.
i wanna see him spank them high rollers!
I did my BSc with the OU. BSc in Mathematical and Computing Sciences - first class honours with distinction since you're asking. lol
Did this last year;
Complimenting that with this, this year;
To get the certificate. It's fairly easy.
And this at the same time;
Which looks harder. But far more worth doing.
I'll be honest, it bores me, but I work with a lot of InTouch SCADA stuff at work and I've got to do something to make money. I'm an instrument tech by trade and adding all this to my portfolio should serve me well. The place I work in is de-commissioning so I need to think about the future. Tonight tells me it's not professional poker :-)
I started out with M101, progressed through some pure and applied maths courses, a bit of physics and quantum mechanics (I kid you not) and finished with the new course M206 and M301 which were shockingly put together in a hurry.
Hope you're doing some courses with Summer Schools, they were the high light of the 6 years I was doing my degree?
Minor abuse follows:
Try taking a course from THIS section. Will help international relations greatly. ;-)
Quantum mechanics?! Did Schrodinger (sp?) have you or MaxAlly in that box? :-)
Summer schools are beyond my remit. I already fluked 10 expense paid trips to London to complete a nonsensicall course. No way will anything that good happen to me again. It's impossible.
Talk when sober though Machka. Appreciated mate.