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Entered a turny tonight over 700 runners (not sky) got down to the last 102. table of 10 bubble was 100 and picked up JJ I had chip leader 75000 on my table who had been very quiet but opened with £4800, blinds 400 800 folded to me in the BB with 15000 I was 70th position, should also mention the entry was $9 bubble paid $12 should I push, fold, or call?
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Every chance he'll fold, if he's loose he might call with a weak A, 2 paint cards, anything- and more often than not double you up. Good chunk of change still if he folds though.
cheers deuces funny how you always second guess your hands after the event when you lose, I did shove and he had A Q and hit both on the flop, mind you if this was the main event fold fold fold LOL
I know what you mean about second guessing though, absolutely- whenever I make a shove and end up going out, or fail to make a move when I'd win, it bugs me for a while- best thing to remember is, there's almost never such a thing as a bad shove. If you're shoving, the odds of winning are ALWAYS good, regardless.