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slow rolled flop and out we go lol
lol does anyone else get mad slow rolls on the flops.Iv just been busted with 10/8 big stack ,with a massive long pause whille THE CARDS get selected [ how it feels and out we go } ? anyone got any thots on this issue it is wild on the head lol what is the score
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Cards wernt getting selected, They are already planned to come... preflop
I am in BB with 22 i have 25 BB`s and a 3 flat calls behind me so i checked, i flopped the world 2 2 K and was thinks how to get paid, first player checks/second raises the pot/third goes all in and so do i
First player folds/second player who had 6 BB left shoves
Second player KQ
Third player AA
Me 22 and now quads
Turn A
River A
Got to love my run at the moment