xx has been shoving with top pair weak kicker and shoving pre alot, and so had yy, are you calling this shove, the call looks pretty strong, from yy. But as he had been raising and shoving alot pre like xx i dint feel great about calling.
Are you folding or calling as played?
Id lost a buy in and a half previouse to this,(different table) so wasnt feeling to great about flop. and loosing another buy in, which affected my decision
Firstly I think you need to re raise pre. You're OOP with a premium starting hand & you really don't want to be going to the flop with multiple callers here. Pre I'm probably making it about £2. If x & y are as loose as you say then you're likely to get one of them to come along with you & getting it HU here is good. If they all fold then you pick up the dead money in the middle.
Also, by re raising pre you make things easier for yourself down the streets as well.
As played I think I just get it all in here. Given your reads I don't necessarily think you're behind here but you might have a few bullets to dodge.
As I said earlier, I think that ultimately the problem here is not re raising pre because if you'd done that then the flop is an insta call imo
ye i realise it now, but i was loosing money quick, i was in a negative mood if you know what i mean, i had been missing evry flop, and when iv had qq jj kk previouse to this hand, they have hit there ace, so wanted to see a flop 1st, but i understand now i should of re raised, any other day i am re raising there.
If you like calling (rather than raising) this pre-flop (I dont), you must get your money in on the flop. You may already be behind or up against draws. If you dont put a bet in there, you will always be in the dark.
In Response to Re: Folding kk or calling from a shove on flop asplayed? : Exactly this..... Posted by GliterBabe
Yep this! possible worse call preflop i have ever seen, after that flop snap call or shove especially based on they been playing tptk. if they have set gl to them
ye i realise it now, but i was loosing money quick, i was in a negative mood if you know what i mean, i had been missing evry flop, and when iv had qq jj kk previouse to this hand, they have hit there ace, so wanted to see a flop 1st, but i understand now i should of re raised, any other day i am re raising there. Posted by shaun09
you cant play poker in this negative mood, if you ever feel like this its time to take a break, playing scared is big -ev
Na i wernt playing scared, i had lost alot of races previouse to this. All in shove from a guy with j6clubs pre flop i have 66 flop comes down clun club and ruver club, this happend more then once, and they won. So i wasnt playing scared, i was just loosing all my races, i agree i should of re raised more preflop, any other day i would of got all the money in pre flop.
A big re-raise or a shove all in pre flop. If you reads are right then all in would be the best due to the fact they are loose and you would get at least one off them in with you.
Are you folding or calling as played?
Id lost a buy in and a half previouse to this,(different table) so wasnt feeling to great about flop. and loosing another buy in, which affected my decision
Any ideas?