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3 players still active after river card - player A makes bet, player B calls, player C turns cards face up on table, when i ask players A & B to turn cards player C argues he can still bet, i argue no, as deliberate showing of cards is against rules his action is considered as a fold - who is right? can he still make a bet, or is his hand folded when face up on table?
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Some places will let you turn your cards over (very few though) to try and get a reaction, I'm not sure if they are allowed to raise or not after or whether they can only flat call.. But the majority of places will muck the cards and it will be a showdown between player A and B.
p.s FWIW, If you were not in the hand its best to just not say anything. Ettiquette in live poekr is if your not in the hand stay quiet.
Anyways, in the situation involved there are different ways of dealing with it, the most common is the hand is folded.
Now in my opinions here, the way i run it at my events is the player is able to call, but cannot raise, i always recommened the opponents to just take it as information, if they cant beat it simple fold right. Refer to 2010 World Series of Poker Main Event hand with Tran i think, maybe wrong, but he thinks his opponent goes all in and calls and shows, the opponent still has chips back and Trann flops top two pair, opponent insta folds.
One thing i do and a number of tournament directors are in favor of, alot do disagree is i punnish 4xBB of that hand to the play who shows. That goes into the next pot, some take it out. Other TD's take the play away for 1-2 rounds of the table.
if in cash game its heads up your opponent makes a bet on the river you can show your cards to try and get a read or just show what a sik fold/call ur going to make
as i was dealer i was asked to judge, as far as i am aware deliberate showing of hands is not allowed therefore hand was deemed dead
yes, that is my understanding, a punishment is allowed for this kind of play, but weighting that against the pub riot that would have followed i decided on discrection, lol