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Just droped in to say a big thank you to everyone who posted a couple of days ago it made me feel a bit better, I really was worried.
The baby is less than two and a half pounds but 30 seconds after landing screamed the place down, or rather squeaked so they tell me. its lookin ok now but im not goin near it till its bigger cus i dont want to pass a cold on or somthing.
please dont call me grandad i really am not likin that bit and anyway Im not old enough to be a grandad. I will be playing later hopefully but im knackerd. Bin racing all over on my bonny for a few days they have been transfered to 3 different hospitals so far. Bye 4 now
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babies for the win.
Hope mum is ok?
soz i mean nice baby great to hear this ,
congrats on being granddad get used to the name lol ,
it ain't going away you know .
In answer to your question, i think they are calling it Cara. I call all babies it bye the way and quite often get into trouble for it, but thats why I do it. Flipin eck sounds like the it word today.
Im not to sure about this name, sounds like a bloody vehicle dont it. But I wont say anything cus, well u know.
Incidentally my favorit names are, Holly, Kelly and Lisa. Because all the Lisa's I have known in my life have the lookes and the brains to.
Anyway bye for now thanks and good luk xxx
Hopefully ours goes smoothly!
Congrats and hope all is well.