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The current traditional card pack has been using spades , hearts , diamonds and clubs since the C15 and originally referred to the four major feudal classes: military, clergy, merchant/trade, and agriculture. I think that an overhaul is in order and the suits need to be updated. My suggestion would be beards , telephones , puppies ( the canine variety ) and marrows.
I would welcome the communities views on this matter. Thank you.
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For that reason im out!
I like your 4 choices though very very random
Now we have massive graphic technology in place so what's to stop us from taking that giant leap in evolution ? Afterall, I recently noted that we are in a new millennium.
Thanks for your input . In my survey I shall put you in the traditionalist stalwart camp.
I wonder what Tikays thoughts are regarding this matter ? I always find his views both interesting and informative.
Additionally the mercurial insights of that errant genius Orford would certainly prove useful if only for his alternate suit selections at the very least.
Unless the gravity of Tikay's sagacity be withstanding what I'd like to propose is holographic images quite possibly based on the very images you have advocated Sir.
That Sky themselves haven't addressed this problem is endemic of the scant disregard in which this so called "big society" holds the proletariat.
All hail the revolution. Hail Shelski!
At last a flickering. The light of reason in the long, dark night. Hail comrade. +1 progressional visionary.