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6 handed STT bubble strategy.
Assuming the buy in is £10+1, the pay outs are £15 for 2nd, and £45 for first......
Chip leader has 10k, You have 5k, and the short stack has 2k.
**oooops missed out the blinds are like 150/300, then 200/400, 5 min levels***
What sort of things would you be thinking about? considering the bubble dynamic?
Are we always playing ftw here? accepting a race against the big stack? even though the shorty is so short?
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Shove on the Big Stack wide in unopened pots, call against either with a very tight range. Open shove ahoy even at 150/300.
Depends of course on the tightness and the competency of both opponents. Ideal situation would be Shorty is a rock and big stack is a TAG reg with a good understanding of ICM and SnG play. They won't be calling you with A2 o/s. You change gears and nick a few blinds and antes and suddenly the stack sizes are completely in your favour, big stack is now a rabbit in the headlights versus you.
In the meantime I would nick blinds wherever I could ie. making a raise to any check from the big blinds but i'm certainly not getting into a race with the big stack.
Sometimes it's quite easy to work with the big stack to put pressure on shorty without actually colluding or saying anything to each other. Don't forget he also wants shorty out first to make him favourite to take it down.
You are sitting comfy so I would be thinking of how to win the HU rather than how to take shorty down at this stage and I would happily go in heads up against the chip leader with only half his stack and grind him down with a wide range.
I disagree that shorty will be playing tight, he knows he has to take a chance and we don't want that call in most situations.
It's natural reaction to feel this is counter intuitive, that's why a lot of people tighten up at the bubble. And that's why this way works IMO.