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Things that make you go "CRINGE".......

edited November 2010 in The Shed

The worst thing for me, as a massive Jeremy Kyle fan, is watching a bloke get down on 1 knee on stage and propose to his missus on stage. I actually can't watch it, I have to turn over for 2 minutes ....... ughhhhhhhhh!!

Another one, last night, I actually bit into a malteaser, rather than sucking it and ewwww. CRINGE!!! The sound!!!! Yuk, I shall never bite another malteaser again.

Im not a fan of spiders, or rats, I can handle snakes, but woodlice!!!! errrrrrrrrrrr

My mate cringes at the site of a dead bird??? huh?

Also when that bloke scored for United last night and started dancing round the corner flag - I cringed. Maybe coz I had money on Wolves.....

Anything random make you guys go CRINGEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?????


  • edited October 2010
    Watching someone buying very cheap, low-quality beer/ale/cider from the supermarket is enough for me to find another checkout.

    People with wa*k ringtones that go off on the bus make me cringe too.
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Things that make you go "CRINGE".......:
    The worst thing for me, as a massive Jeremy Kyle fan, is watching a bloke get down on 1 knee on stage and propose to his missus on stage. I actually can't watch it, I have to turn over for 2 minutes ....... ughhhhhhhhh!! Another one, last night, I actually bit into a malteaser, rather than sucking it and ewwww. CRINGE!!! The sound!!!! Yuk, I shall never bite another malteaser again. Im not a fan of spiders, or rats, I can handle snakes, but woodlice!!!! errrrrrrrrrrr My mate cringes at the site of a dead bird??? huh? Also when that bloke scored for United last night and started dancing round the corner flag - I cringed. Maybe coz I had money on Wolves..... Anything random make you guys go CRINGEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?????
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

    And I thought deep down u were an old romantic

    My hopes are dashed now :(

  • edited October 2010

    "Ok you only slept with the 14 people you previously admitted to, and have proved it's no more than 14, so will you marry me??"

    I agree with the ringtones on busses, when kids play em right loud......ugh. Doesnt bother me like, but the reaction of old people makes me cringe. Esp the hardcore/distruxshon stuff with swearing in it.

    When customers give salesmen a hard time......

    The acting of whoever plays Gail Platt in coronation street. That character is just 1 massive CRINGE!!!
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Things that make you go "CRINGE".......:
    "Ok you only slept with the 14 people you previously admitted to, and have proved it's no more than 14, so will you marry me??" I agree with the ringtones on busses, when kids play em right loud......ugh. Doesnt bother me like, but the reaction of old people makes me cringe. Esp the hardcore/distruxshon stuff with swearing in it. When customers give salesmen a hard time...... The acting of whoever plays Gail Platt in coronation street. That character is just 1 massive CRINGE!!!
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Helen Worth
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Things that make you go "CRINGE".......:
    "Ok you only slept with the 14 people you previously admitted to, and have proved it's no more than 14, so will you marry me??" I agree with the ringtones on busses, when kids play em right loud......ugh. Doesnt bother me like, but the reaction of old people makes me cringe. Esp the hardcore/distruxshon stuff with swearing in it. When customers give salesmen a hard time...... The acting of whoever plays Gail Platt in coronation street. That character is just 1 massive CRINGE!!!
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    How could I refuse x

  • edited October 2010
    Stupid people, ugly people and permed hair
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Things that make you go "CRINGE".......:
    Stupid people, ugly people and permed hair
    Posted by Neildown
    must be yourself then lol
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Things that make you go "CRINGE".......:
    In Response to Re: Things that make you go "CRINGE"....... : must be yourself then lol
    Posted by sara36dd08

    How did you know i perm my hair?

    you been checking me out from afar?
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Things that make you go "CRINGE".......:
    Stupid people, ugly people and permed hair
    Posted by Neildown
    Here's the missus again......

    .......until she goes to get her hair done next week, she is only ticking 2 out of 3 boxes.
  • edited October 2010
    - When my hair grows long enough to touch my ears.

    - When I get chocolate all over my teeth.

    - The name Gillian (obv everyone on the forum will end up having a daughter names Gllian now.)

    - Phillip Schofield.
  • edited October 2010
    When im frying a egg and yolk splits .... oh and kids asking me to buy them cigs
  • edited October 2010
    Big mouths, loud mouths , big headed , simple minded , so called railers who just come onto a table so they can hear there own voices and then try to say its just banter .Im not thinking of just 1 person because there are 2 many to name ,you would like to think that they would have something better to do but there again maybe not .
                 Cheers Dohhhhhhhhhhh for giving me a place to air my thoughts on this silly little matter ,ill get back to playing Poker very badly now .Remember people its just a game and i mean the Poker .
                                          Good luck all .............Mick.
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Things that make you go "CRINGE".......:
    Big mouths, loud mouths , big headed , simple minded , so called railers who just come onto a table so they can hear there own voices and then try to say its just banter .Im not thinking of just 1 person because there are 2 many to name ,you would like to think that they would have something better to do but there again maybe not .              Cheers Dohhhhhhhhhhh for giving me a place to air my thoughts on this silly little matter ,ill get back to playing Poker very badly now .Remember people its just a game and i mean the Poker .                                       Good luck all .............Mick.
    Posted by chew07
    Couldnt say it better myself, they get right on my saggy t!ts
  • edited October 2010
    • Chewing tin foil (but I can't stop doing it).

    • Patronising charity collectors in the street, who wear luminous branded tabbards, and try to greet me like a cross between a children's TV presenter (no offence Rich), and a long-lost friend.

    • Commuters who walk right into to the mechanical barriers in stations (thus blocking them), before spending a few minutes checking every pocket for a ticket... whilst a huge queue build behind them. Two words: Forward-Planning.

    • People who are rude and boorish to waiters and waitresses.

    • People who 'Sturry' on Zebra crossings (you stop the car for them; and their upper body mimmicks the gait of someone running, whilst their legs walk at slower than normal speed - in other words, they look like they're running, but their actual speed is slower than walking pace. Sturry is therefore a speed between 'Stop' and 'Hurry').

    • I don't mind spiders, but can't watch them on TV whilst eating.

    • Lady GaGa: It’s not art, love, get over yourself. It’s not even in tune half the time.

    • People who 'air-practice' their golf swing, cricket bat action, or bowling, in the middle of a pub. With the collars of their polo shirts turned up.

    • Being offered a loyalty card by anyone other than a Pub Landlord.

    • Phone calls that start with a 7 second silence, before the tape machine kicks in and the pre-recorded American voice tells you about “the latest exciting offer for you; our valued customer...” If I'm that valued, then get a human being to call me.

    • Shrink-wrapped goods that don't need wrapping because they're not perishable. The finger nails I've lost and the anticipation I've built over the years, whilst feverishly trying to open my Spangle DVD's are a joke.

    • People who continually say: “So, he turns around and says to me”... This indicates that lots of conversations happen whilst talking to someone else's back. That only happens in American soaps.

  • edited October 2010
    Phil Hellmuths' entrances!!
    Sky poker Star Wars parodies!!
  • edited October 2010
    People with toast crumbs between their teeth
    The words flesh and queasy
    Finding a hair in your food
    people who say 'excuse my french' after they've sworn
    overly romantic verses printed in greetings cards
  • edited October 2010

    David Brent is without doubt the most cringeworthy nutter on telly imo.

    and anything else other than stand up that Ricky Gervais dreams up. Still laugh my head off tho.

  • edited October 2010
    Ricky Gervais...(even though i like the new Idiot Abroad show)

    that packaging you have to open with scissors and the plastic is so sharp you always cut yourself...I even bought a pair of scissors 'cos mine broke and would you believe I needed scissors to open the blooming thing! haha

    and Jerry Springer! blughhhhh
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Things that make you go "CRINGE".......:
    In Response to Re: Things that make you go "CRINGE"....... : I think you should name and shame these 'orrible people... ...or, you could turn the chatbox off if they put you on tilt and find you calling their raises out of position with any suited ace, just for a chance to nick their stack! You do say you play badly, so it's probably the norm. After all, what is the chatbox for... ...nh, ul, lol and other online poker cliches?
    Posted by olegnoleg

    As if he is naming, he aint got the minerals

  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Things that make you go "CRINGE".......:
    The national anthem.
    Robbie Earnshaws goal celebrations, especially the juggler one. It makes me want to shoot him in the face with a crossbow bolt.
  • edited October 2010
    How about those parents who shout and scream at their kids in public, when they are only being what they are. don't they remember that they were kids once themselves?
  • edited October 2010
    Jeremy kyle constantly saying ' THIS IS THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW SHUT UP I'M TALKING' 'MY SHOW MY SHOW'.
    and when the big hard men offer Jeremy out and ten minutes later are blubbing and saying sorry.

    Delia smith 'were are you, lets be having you' haha.

    Any Neil warnock  after match interview.

  • edited October 2010
    as stranger asking you in the street can i borrow 40p for the phone
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Things that make you go "CRINGE".......:
    Jeremy kyle constantly saying ' THIS IS THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW SHUT UP I'M TALKING' 'MY SHOW MY SHOW'. and when the big hard men offer Jeremy out and ten minutes later are blubbing and saying sorry. Delia smith 'were are you, lets be having you' haha. Any Neil warnock  after match interview.  
    Posted by FINS
    Dont tell DOHHHHH that he loves the show.

    Its like home from home x
  • edited October 2010
    Why name LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL just gives these people what they want LMAO .
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: Things that make you go "CRINGE".......:
    Why name LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL just gives these people what they want LMAO .
    Posted by chew07
    Just man up and grow a pair
  • edited October 2010
    Am getting bored now .
  • edited October 2010
    chew makes me cringe.

    I saw him naked once from the side and he looked like a letter Q
  • edited November 2010
    Warts on peoples faces  (especially hairy ones)

    V-Neck T-shirts

    People (f)arting and thinking its amusing

    (oh and slapheads)
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Things that make you go "CRINGE".......:
    In Response to Re: Things that make you go "CRINGE"....... : How could I refuse x SMOOTH
    Posted by xFALLENx
    Great a sky poker wedding.  I'll look out my kilt
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