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all i do is make a point and the same 4/5 people jump on my case i get a lot of supportive pms sent to me just coz i speak my mind is that so wrong? id rather have 5 people moan at me but have many more on my side maybe people are scared to speak there minds on here why? because of the few idiots who try to be clever and funny by replying with utter drivel WHO NEVER listen to the points being made its poker we all know that bad beats and coolers are gonna happen this was first designed for people to LET OFF STEAM let people do that without hassling them please if sky are not gonna let this happen scrap area 51 SIMPLES
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Tbf you do post it in the right place and thats what area 51 is for, also good way of letting of steam
Main reason i respond is to the rigged things etc just sometimes gets a bit boring and sometimes forget this is area 51, apologise if i have offended you personally but i will try remember where i am next time
Q4 vs 10's flopped the set got beat by the flush runner *3