Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Come on all - liberate yourselves! It can be anything from an odd food combo to something more Interesting. You will not be judged
reveal all. You know you want to get It off your chest, p.s If this thread has been done before, no prob. simply Ignore and relegate It to page 2 a.s.a.p
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BoyfriendsHusbands, or even girl-friends? - are over-rated, GET RID! asap!
The cold remains of Saturday nights' curry on cheese on toast for breakfast ( just the sauce, not rice ). Wash this down with a fat beaker of red wine, a hot cup of real coffee then an 'herbal' cigarette. Oh god i'm starting to become aroused just thinking about it. Still Ford Super Sunday to come then crank up some tables of online action to batter some American idiots that for some unworldly reason rate hands like A-Q whilst listening to The Velvet Underground.
P.S - I need to grow up.
P.P.S - Nah sod it. It's too beautiful We only live once right kids ? tee hee
P.P.PS - If anyone hasn't tried this already, and does, please get back to me and rate this experience.I would warmly welcome your views.
Fruit & Nut Toblerone dipped in Fosters....
Also, just ran out of andrex so have had to wipe my fartbox on a warm, fluffy towel.
very luxurious I can tell you.
Maybe it's not called Comfort for nothing ?