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edited November 2010 in The Shed
some of you may have heard about this on the news...

anyone who's ever seen this beast of an aircaraft would have instantly fell in love with her, but unfortunatley if enough money isn't raised by 31st Oct (sunday) she will never fly again (

...and no-one will ever see this magnificent spectacle again, which would be sad. pictures and videos do not do it justice.

it's HUGE, scary even..i'm no aviation boffin, but this is something else!

there are a variety of simple ways in which you may be so kind as to help, please visit the website of the organisation of the people who keep her running @



  • edited October 2010
    In Response to HELP SAVE THE VULCAN BOMBER!!!!!!!!!!!:
    Sorry man. My loyalties lie squarely with the Romulans.
  • edited October 2010
    I hated that Mr spock and his so non emotional poker play - he beat me HU every time so good riddance i hate vulcans!!
  • edited October 2010
    This is just a plane you're talking about?
    A piece of machinery?
    Are you serious?

    jeez...Have you watched the news lately?
    There's a whole world out there that could do
    with a £3 donation. 

    seriously mate!! PRIORITIES 
  • edited October 2010
    !!! SAVE THE BOMBER !!!
    NAH £3 can get you a donkey, tiger or monkey, nowadays with a monthly letter and a badge .

  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: HELP SAVE THE VULCAN BOMBER!!!!!!!!!!!:
    excuse me for trying to drum up a bit of support for a piece of national heritage and thanks for pointing out all the causes i/we could donate £3 to.. it's funny how this worked out...i try to do something positive by helping out a worthy cause and it just gets slated! so for all who suggested the other causes that could do with a £3 donation, why don't you follow my example and start a thread about it, instead of slagging off someone elses efforts, cheers.
    Posted by beginluck
    Why not give the £3 to the Romulans ?  
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: HELP SAVE THE VULCAN BOMBER!!!!!!!!!!!:
    In Response to Re: HELP SAVE THE VULCAN BOMBER!!!!!!!!!!! : why not take some positive action for this cause you feel so passionatly about and tell me and everybody else on the forum that does not know what or who the Romulans are? for instance...start a new thread, (because this thread is to let people know about the plight of the last Vulcan bomber) consider it your good deed for today!
    Posted by beginluck
    Why not give £3 to the Romulans ?   :)
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to HELP SAVE THE VULCAN BOMBER!!!!!!!!!!!:
    some of you may have heard about this on the news... anyone who's ever seen this beast of an aircaraft would have instantly fell in love with her, but unfortunatley if enough money isn't raised by 31st Oct (sunday) she will never fly again ( ...and no-one will ever see this magnificent spectacle again, which would be sad. pictures and videos do not do it justice. it's HUGE, scary even..i'm no aviation boffin, but this is something else! there are a variety of simple ways in which you may be so kind as to help, please visit the website of the organisation of the people who keep her running @ THANKYOU!
    Posted by beginluck
    Hi mate. I have seen the beast in the sky. If it had been a spitfire or something i dare say it wouldn't be a problem in the first place. However most people feel it is our legacy of the cold war. Personally i feel it is part of something special and the last one flying is just that. My 3 quid is on the way.
    ps i also give to other good causes, so no wisecracks please! (well one can hope i
  • edited October 2010
    In Response to Re: HELP SAVE THE VULCAN BOMBER!!!!!!!!!!!:
    . ps i also give to other good causes, so no wisecracks please! (well one can hope i
    Posted by lozgo
    ok fair play. enough is enough, sorry guys.
  • edited November 2010
    see its bin saved then ...which is nice
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: HELP SAVE THE VULCAN BOMBER!!!!!!!!!!!:
    see its bin saved then ...which is nice
    Posted by skip_x
    Right then ! I just sent the Romulans £6
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