12 min blinds deepie 3rd level funny move to make with just ace 10, you should def call without reads i wouldnt expect him to turn over ace 10 here playing like that i would hope thats what he turns over however. He could just as easily have 10 10 or A 6 or be playing aces exactly the same way all the freerollers do min raise and hope someone sees it as weak and reraises you.
12 min blinds deepie 3rd level funny move to make with just ace 10, you should def call without reads i wouldnt expect him to turn over ace 10 here playing like that i would hope thats what he turns over however. He could just as easily have 10 10 or A 6 or be playing aces exactly the same way all the freerollers do min raise and hope someone sees it as weak and reraises you. What did he turn over rats107?? Posted by Batkin88
pretty much what i was thinking, i'm only beating a pair 10s or a mid pair (putting me on ak etc.). i'll give results later
id also 3bet bigger preflop, to about 420
btw if I 3bet JJ pre I'm never folding on a 10 hi paired flop
What did he turn over rats107??