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Good reasons for Donk betting.
This is a hand that perfectly illustrates why when you hit the flop big you should bet out and not rely on the preflop raiser to do the work for you especially in such a volatile game as omaha.
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There are definately flops I'll donk bet in holdem or Omaha, but think on this one I'd have checked. Kind of would depend though on what I'd seen of your play, and if you tendedt to Cbet fairly consistantly or not.
you also missed out a name change on the flop
NH mate
In omaha the nuts are only temporary and you should always bet when you have the best hand or think that you are ahead so as to take away the chance of being outdrawn.
lol, il explain why i played the hand that way..i prob should have folded pre as my hand is pretty poo however i decide to call. flop is good but you did raise pre so rather than bet im happy to check and see what you do with postion on me ( i prob show you to much respect here as havnt played you before but you seem to talk a good game on the forum, but with the raise pre i cant discount KKxx as your hand) you dont bet so pretty sure im ahead. turn is good/bad for you as now you have a hand to chase i make 3/4 pot bet you call which is fine river cames and completes your hand, again im giving you respect from what i have read on the forums a check/call is fine from me there as you can never be sure in omaha unless you have the nuts. thing is talon i dont think i played the hand badly, nor do i think you did but you do seem to be getting rather excited about hitting your 1 out on the river. i could have lost alot more in that hand on the river...
For what it is worth the flop gave me no hand and no realistic draw and so i would have insta folded to any sensible flop bet. Once you had checked the flop you played the hand as perfectly as possible and lost the absolute minimum when your opponent got amazingly lucky. But the main thing is just about the flop action.If you fire out your turn bet on the flop then you immediately find out where you are and are capable of laying down to a big reraise if you suspect KK.
You will also realise what many others have learnt to their benefit.That although my knowledge of the game is very good my ability to play is lagging far behind.
I apologise for accidently leaving your name in the original post and if you feel that my comments are aimed at you. My main reason for this thread was to highlight betting out as a very good move in this type of circumstance and to stay away from slowplaying any hands.
i now know not to let you get to the