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Classic Totty Double? + Free Entry Jobbie Affair.
Two corkers tonight, the TOTTY £11-er at 8.30pm, & the TSP Classic (tonight featuring Missy Long).
I'm in both.
Lastest Longerest in both, anyone?
FREE ENTRY into ANY night's TSP Classic to the one who outlasts most players in aggregate.
I am up in Leeds at the moment, due to arrive by Train (ooooh) back in Kings Cross at 7pm, which coincides exactly with the start of the Tube Strike, so I may be late for the TOTTY. Which means I'll prob last longer than a few, just by sitting out. Simples.
You MUST post your name on this Thread to qualify for the Prize, though.
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The idea is not to BE in, it's to STAY in. You know, like, not bust out?
I'm in......hope these are rebuys though
well i think im going to be in both depends on the misses lol i will def play totty and i hope to enter the tsp
Evening all... not been about much lately and not played the TSP classic as yet, what time does it finish roughly? Just in case I luck box my way through to the FT, I have to be up at 5.30
I'll say count me in now, as i'll prob forget to do it later, but not sure about the TSP classic yet
I'll be in too!!!!
Update @ 11pm.
I've just exited the 8.30pm TOTTY, 6th of 43, so that's 37 (THIRTY SEVEN) in the bag.
Currently, I'm 29th of 104 left in the TSP Classic, in which there were 203 runners, so a minimum of 99 "places" in the bag in that one, so far.
So my minimum score is currently 136.
Stake your claims!
4th/43 in TOT = 39
166th/203 in Classic = 37
Total is 76......Am I winning??
Doubt it will be enough. TK will live up to his facebook status prediction IMO :P
There are 26 left in the TSP Classic, from 203 runners, & I'm 5th at the mo.
Here's the position as at about 11.30pm, so still some play in this......
****off to area 51*****