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Yessss.....won my first Poker Tourney and 3rd out of 444 in the £50 GTD freeroll
What an afternoon, just been playing a week and have now won my first tournament.
I was playing the Bounty Hunter tourney this afternoon, won approx £22, and then 3rd out of 444players in the freeroll.
It was a nightmare tho as I had both tables to do at the same time and it was hard to keep track as blinds were coming thick and fast. Probably would have done better than 3rd in the freeroll if i was concentrating more. and not worrying about BH and picking kids up. But pleased with this afternoons events.
It was becoming a nightmare as I was playing both tables, no end in site and I was going to have to pick my kids up from school in less than 20mins. So I was going ALL IN more on the freeroll just to finish it, so I could concentrate on the BH and I was so glad that I finished both with 5mins to spare
Did not realise how long these tourneys take:)
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I guess the moral of this story is don't have kids.
n1 coldplay, welcome to the site and the forum, may your good luck continue.