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Right im struggling at the mo of what i want to do, am currently working in the office with my mum
have no motivation what so ever, been here a year and just doesnt suit me. i had another job lined up last few months but fell through.
Just wondered as i really dont know where i should be looking but i need a new job urgently, obviously i will stay here till i find something please help
I have good telephone manner and good communication, enjoy working with people. Maths only subject i was interested in at school
any advice or webistes to find ideal job as cant seem to find any
Thanks in advance
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that'd do me ) lol learn from the best!
I think i remember reading that you are only 23. Maybe try something that involves travelling, possibly volunteer work abroad ?
I don't know if what i have said is of any use but try not to get too down in this situation and gl to you !
cheers shelski and flash, i can get suited and booted but generally once i get an interview i do this. Its more about what i want to do, shelski something i have always considered just need to look into bit more so good idea
come to my house and pick up a box, then take it to a man who will be waiting in a park(location will be with the box), you must not look inside the box! but if you get arrested with the box you have to say its yours.
If you are successfull in this delivery i may have more
Have you spoken to any of the other Mr Men............ I thought everything was perfect in Happytown !
use your maths to count how many minutes you`ve kept them on the phone for.
If the job you have with your mum is your families business you could perhaps put your heart and soul into it and motivate yourself into playing a big part in making it a fantastic success that you can play a main part of running and sharing the profits with your family. Try and get different resposibilities within the firm you work for already that do interest you.
The grass might not be greener working for a slave driving, ungrateful, unreasonable bird brain who won't give you a day off and expects you to work for nowt.
Perhaps you are not motivated in your current job because you are not working as hard as you should?
Good luck for the future m8.
Accountancy maybe?