Hi major, well done stephW nice one ma'm ( have spoke to her not a random congrats)
other way to add a friend(not that i have any lol) is go to your profile and find friend type in there name eg.acebarry10 and click on it request as friend ping!
Hi major, well done stephW nice one ma'm ( have spoke to her not a random congrats) other way to add a friend(not that i have any lol) is go to your profile and find friend type in there name eg.acebarry10 and click on it request as friend ping! Posted by YOUNG_GUN
Do you mean how do you make friends in general?? If so ive made some on sky by being chatty in the chat box, give it a go.......................... Posted by donkeyplop
will you be my friend lol. \:)
+1 on this one mate, the people who speak are in my mind the people who i play with most, because the chatbox going helps me to be nitty.
Thanks everyone,, i do have friends!! bt i couldnt see where (on here) to go. Since my post, some very nice people have friend requested me,, if i dont accept,, i dont like you lol
then look on the right and add as friend
hope this helps
If the person is on the froum, click on his name, this will take you to her/his profile page, and add me as a friend.
other way to add a friend(not that i have any lol) is go to your profile and find friend type in there name eg.acebarry10 and click on it request as friend ping!
If so ive made some on sky by being chatty in the chat box, give it a go..........................
+1 on this one mate, the people who speak are in my mind the people who i play with most, because the chatbox going helps me to be nitty.
Removed :P
FRIEND!!!! ( said in inbetweeners high pitched voice )
i never liked you anyway
Since my post, some very nice people have friend requested me,, if i dont accept,, i dont like you lol