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right to all those that say what a silly bet allin with aa and anyone who wishes to say it again i will refer them to this thread
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance Small blind 40.0040.0012690.00 Big blind 80.00120.005670.00 Your hole cardsAA lucky77777Raise 400.00520.0013455.00 Fold Fold Fold Fold Call 320.00840.005350.00Flop 9210 Bet 720.001560.004630.00lucky77777All-in 13455.0015015.000.00smokingk9All-in 4630.0019645.000.00lucky77777Unmatched bet 8105.0011540.008105.00 Show10J lucky77777ShowAA Turn J River 5 WinTwo Pairs, Jacks and 10s11540.00 11540.00
0 ·
In true poker parlance you might be right.
But Lucky was ahead before flop and if he had bet all in preflop as he normally does he would probably have won.
I got fed up raising pre flop and then losing on flop with aa, kk etc so I play the old Lucky77777 way, ie all in pre flop. It sometimes stops people going all in against you and avoids some of the maniac calls and bad beats from this wonderful site.
It might not be right but it feels better when you lose.
play your hands with confidence, like spornybol, and watch the rewards come in
Hand History #307076408 (09:26 12/11/2010)
i bow to your superior knowledge.
I just think a raise and allowing them 3 extra cards narrows your chance of winning.
With aa and that flop Lucky was always going to go all in and what happened he lost.
Seen it so many times with aa
I will continue to take my chances with a race from the off and hope I get a caller pre flop.
God bless you all
If you shove and get called, you still have a chance of getting sucked out on.
There's a clip on youtube of an amateur shoving on Negreanu in the early stages of a big tournie when the blinds are still tiny and Negreanu says, "You're all in? What's that about?"
The amateur replies, "That's poker."
"Not where I come from." responds Negreanu, and folds his hand.
Moral of the story - get paid with your aces!
firstly make that same move when your not as strong maybe QQ or KK, AK even
secondly when you get aces, we all know you shove so if you play as you did here would probably get paid
Just a wee bit of friendly advice i think the way you play it is terrible tbh but each to their own try using to your advantage
Doubt he'll listen to be honest he has had so much advice from better players(and me) but still to narrow minded about playing aces because once he got unlucky playing it the right way
maybe he gets a call everytime with small pp and still loses then we're gonna be back to rigged lucy some people just no point helping