Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance Ratboy71 Small blind 600.00 600.00 46205.00 dub1 Big blind 1200.00 1800.00 28053.00 Your hole cards 710 TeslAA Fold 1267 Raise 2600.00 4400.00 29003.50 NODOUBT Fold Ratboy71 Fold dub1 Call 1400.00 5800.00 26653.00Flop 8J9 dub1 Check 1267 Bet 2000.00 7800.00 27003.50 dub1 Call 2000.00 9800.00 24653.00Turn 5 dub1 Check 1267 Bet 4903.50 14703.50 22100.00 dub1 Call 4903.50 19607.00 19749.50River Q dub1 All-in 19749.50 39356.50 0.00 1267 Fold dub1 Muck dub1 Win 19607.00 19607.00 dub1 Return 19749.50 0.00 39356.50
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