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Just sat down at cash table (10/20p) with max buy in. First hand, I'm in BB, I have AKos. Utg folds, next bets £1 (5xBB), is called at cut off and Button raises all in for £23+. SB folds, so it is now up to me. My first instinct is to call, but then what are the 2 guys behind, who have both 5 betted, going to do? I fold. First raiser calls the all in so we have £45+ in the middle. I was surprised when they both turned over AQ suited for a split pot, I was expecting at least one BIG pair! My AK would have taken it so I could have trebled up. Reflecting on it I still think I made the right decision, do you?
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In an mtt, its a defo fold, but in cash... I think its probably a call if we are rolled up properly for the level.
will wait for more views...
If you're rolled for it, hell... I call. Against AA/KK you're in a horrendous spot, but against anything else- you're getting better than 2/1 on a call whatever happens and you're just the wrong side of a 50/50 at worst. You're crushing any AQ/AJ hands that might want to come along. I think AK is too strong to fold here if one of them turns over AA/KK, then cold deck, nh wp. I'd be more concerned if button makes a weaker reraise, like to 3 or so. Does he REALLY jam with AA or KK? Very, very unlikely.
It takes something pretty special to make me fold AK 100bbs deep.
lololololololl do you know how hard it is to get dealt an ace and a king and now you want to fold it
tough one but good fold sir
you dont know the other players ranges,how the table been playing,against 2 players,its defo fold.
in hindsight,you were in front,and totally dominated the 2 players,in poker we dont have hindsight,but u gained some useful information on the 2 players
Against their range, you are ahead- guaranteed. The initial raiser *might* have AA or KK but if you fold every time someone *might* have it, you're in trouble. He could equally have any A, KQ/KJ/QJ even, any pp, even suited connectors. There's probably a dozen hands you're dominating, half a dozen you're flipping and two you're behind. The odds are even better for the caller. The shover is so unlikely to ever do that with AA or KK you can virtually discard them, shoving with those hands is way more advanced a move than you're likely to find here.
AK is in such great shape against these hands, readless or not. Their betting has given you a decent enough range to work with straight away, and the only way this becomes a fold is IF you have reads that tell you otherwise.
The more I look at the hand, regardless of the outcome, the more I become convinced it has to be a call if you got the roll.
can see the logic in that,to be honest i play more mtt than cash
20 seconds isnt long enough to decide for a hand like that imo, the correct fold though as YOUNG_GUN said, you could of been against any pairs or same hand suited. right fold,you didnt gamble what you didnt need to, let the others fight it off.
deffo fold in torny play though