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one table v multi tabling
hi tikay can youy make a living on line playing one table at a time on cash tables or do you need to multi table can i have some thoughts on this question
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However, 1-Tabling exposes you to greater variance, & the more Tables you play, the less that Variance will impact your results. Over, say, 6 Tables, it gives you chance to "regress to the mean". (See )
Against that, the more Tables we play simultaneously, the less optimally we play. Nobody could argue otherwise - we could not possibly play our best poker if we were, say, 50-tabling.
So the answer is what you are comfy with, really.
I've heard it argued that some players play better when they Multi-Table, as they concentrate harder. I'm not sure I buy that, though. If, hypothetically, I had every penny I possess on the Table, & my whole financial future depended upon getting out ahead, I know how many Tables I'd be on - one!
to make a living one tabling online you will need to have fantastic game selection/very disciplined and also at a fairly high blind level.