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Middle-age male grooming.

edited November 2010 in The Shed
got to admit growing hear all over the place and apperantly i have more hair on my rear than my head ?? so that`s another question why have i lost head hair yet grow everywhere else ( and where does richorford go to get his hair replacement )


  • edited November 2010

    Does anyone partake in such foibles?

    I've never been much into grooming. Some gel/waxy stuff in the hair (head) and occasional shave (face) usually does me. I've always been fairly fresh faced anyway so (edited word) it.

    But I'm now in the latter half of my thirties. And strange things are happening.

    I'd like some advice please.

    I've one single hair in my eyebrow that is nothing short of a rebel. It keeps falling into my line of vision and is annoying me. I pulled it out in a fit of pique. Problem solved thought I. But it's back within weeks. Am I supposed to pull it out with one of those wee tweezer things? It's getting rather irritating.

    Nose hair. They're start to creep out. Unsightly annoying. I've no idea how to shave the inside of my nose.

    Advice desperately required.

    Advice from Mr Miyagi and Neildown would be particularly appreciated as I'm aure that a lot of guys that frequent the clubs you guys do know how to deal with such distractions.

    Thanks in advance - bandini.

  • edited November 2010
    Nasal hair clippers mate, get ur better half to get them for ur christmas.  Next year u can get the ones for the ears.  Failing that a sex change operation might do the trick.
  • edited November 2010
    If you think you're in trouble now Bandini, then just wait till you're in the latter half of your 40's. Weird stuff is happening aplenty by then. The hair disappears from around your shins and reappears sticking out your ears. Strange but true! Your hair - if you've got any left - will turn a lovely silver colour, ( at least that what i call it, so much nicer than grey). Slippers and pyjamas will be greeted with gusto when you receive them as presents. Grooming will become a thing of the past as you'll realise it takes too bloody long to do it every single day. Look forward to it mate, and don't say you weren't warned!!
  • edited November 2010
    Shockwaves wet look ftw,

  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Middle-age male grooming.:
    Shockwaves wet look ftw,
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Shockwaves wet look for nasal hair??
  • edited November 2010
    I just dont bother with it - let it grow, thats what I say!!!   ;)

  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Middle-age male grooming.:
    In Response to Re: Middle-age male grooming. : Shockwaves wet look for nasal hair??
    Posted by 67Bhoys
    does the shockwave look, look good on rear end hair
  • edited November 2010

    Have you considered pm'ing this to James Hartigan ? I think he can help you a lot.
    Try not to worry too much about the errant hair growth.
    The real problems start when the maggots spring forth.
  • edited November 2010
      if you think you have problems now wait until the dribbling starts
  • edited November 2010
    First of all never shave your nose!

    I would carry on plucking that rogue eyebrow because whatever you do to it it will always return(like my rash)

    Maybe this will help HERE
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Middle-age male grooming.:
         if you think you have problems now wait until the dribbling starts
    Posted by oldgit6920
    oh dear my dribbling started last year ( both ends)
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Middle-age male grooming.:
    In Response to Re: Middle-age male grooming. : does the shockwave look, look good on rear end hair
    Posted by spornybol
    Defo m8 go for it
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Middle-age male grooming.:
    Does anyone partake in such foibles? I've never been much into grooming. Some gel/waxy stuff in the hair (head) and occasional shave (face) usually does me. I've always been fairly fresh faced anyway so (edited word) it. But I'm now in the latter half of my thirties. And strange things are happening. I'd like some advice please. I've one single hair in my eyebrow that is nothing short of a rebel. It keeps falling into my line of vision and is annoying me. I pulled it out in a fit of pique. Problem solved thought I. But it's back within weeks. Am I supposed to pull it out with one of those wee tweezer things? It's getting rather irritating. Nose hair. They're start to creep out. Unsightly annoying. I've no idea how to shave the inside of my nose. Advice desperately required. Advice from Mr Miyagi and Neildown would be particularly appreciated as I'm aure that a lot of guys that frequent the clubs you guys do know how to deal with such distractions. Thanks in advance - bandini.
    Posted by bandini
    What you need is a remmington fuzzaway!
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Middle-age male grooming.:
    What you need is a remmington fuzzaway!
    Posted by donkeyplop
    Or a lighter ?
  • edited November 2010
    A good Zippo is spot on 4 nose hair , just a sniff when light does the job . mind, you dont want to BBQ your mug
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: Middle-age male grooming.:
    A good Zippo is spot on 4 nose hair , just a sniff when light does the job . mind, you dont want to BBQ your mug
    Posted by -JINKY-
    mmmmmm parson`s nose
  • edited November 2010
    In Response to Middle-age male grooming.:
    Does anyone partake in such foibles? I've never been much into grooming. Some gel/waxy stuff in the hair (head) and occasional shave (face) usually does me. I've always been fairly fresh faced anyway so (edited word) it. But I'm now in the latter half of my thirties. And strange things are happening. I'd like some advice please. I've one single hair in my eyebrow that is nothing short of a rebel. It keeps falling into my line of vision and is annoying me. I pulled it out in a fit of pique. Problem solved thought I. But it's back within weeks. Am I supposed to pull it out with one of those wee tweezer things? It's getting rather irritating. Nose hair. They're start to creep out. Unsightly annoying. I've no idea how to shave the inside of my nose. Advice desperately required. Advice from Mr Miyagi and Neildown would be particularly appreciated as I'm aure that a lot of guys that frequent the clubs you guys do know how to deal with such distractions. Thanks in advance - bandini.
    Posted by bandini
    Would you like to borrow my cordless garden strimmer...very handy... take it around with you where ever you are, but I need it back by springtime plz.
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